Saturday, August 22, 2020
Release the geek! - Emphasis
Discharge the nerd! Discharge the nerd! The following are the right and wrong forms of probably the most ordinarily incorrectly spelled words. Would you be able to expose the criminal missteps? They’ll pull off it notwithstanding you interfering children. Go on, let your inward nerd out to play. Offer this connection and challenge your partners to a spell-off. You realize you need to 1. neccessarynecessaryneccesary 2. separateseperateseprate 3. receivedrecievedreceeved 4. occuredoccurredocurred 5. definitelydefinately6.grammergrammar7.predjudiceprejudiceprejujice 8. minusculeminiscule 9. occasionoccassionocassion 10. proffesionalprofessional 11. accomodateaccommodateaccommadate 12. religeousreligiousreligous 13. harrassharass 14. questionnairequestionairrequestionnairre15. occurrenceoccurranceoccurence 16. mischiefousmischievousmischievious 17. embarrassembarassembarras 18. connoisseurconnoiseurconnoissouir 19. cemetarycemeterycemetry20.changeablechangablechangeible When you have your score, why not leave us a message in the remarks area underneath to tell us how you jumped on? What's more, in the event that you have any spelling tips youd like to share, for example, memory helpers, marry love to hear them.
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