Friday, May 22, 2020
Lord Byron And William Shakespeare - 966 Words
Since the beginning of time, human beings have found a variety of ways to illustrate their affections for one another. An intriguing form to present an individual’s ideal thoughts across is the form of poetry, for it displays a deep and mysterious meaning behind the connotation of the words used. Poetry allows writers to express themselves through the act of writing with the usage of a few words. However, it is sometimes difficult for a reader to comprehend what the poem is trying to imply, but that is the beauty behind poetry which as a reader, one might have a different interpretations from another. In an analysis of â€Å"She walks in beauty†by Lord Byron and â€Å"Sonnet 130†by William Shakespeare, they both have a unique distinction on how the words are used to project affections to their respective lover. The linguistic style of the poets diverges in their depiction the physical appearance, emotive feelings, and understanding what the lover means to them. Lord Byron and William Shakespeare did an incredible job analyzing their counterpart’s physical appearance that was just mind blowing to a reader. Throughout the poem â€Å"She walks in beauty†by Lord Byron, he uses imagery that allowed him to compare his lover with nature. She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies, And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to the tender light Which heaven gaudy day denies (Lines 1-6). This stanza states that hisShow MoreRelatedLord Byron And William Shakespeare843 Words  | 4 Pageswalks in beauty†, by Lord Byron and â€Å"Sonnet 130†, by William Shakespeare have their unique distinguish upon how the words are projected to their respective lover, which they are comparing their physical appearance, implementing their feelings, and understanding what the lover means to them. Lord Byron and William Shakespeare did an incredible job analyzing their counterpart physical appearance that is just mind blowing to a reader. In the poem, â€Å"She walks in beauty†, by Lord Byron uses imagery, whichRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Lord George Gordon Byron: Capturing the Painful Pangs of Love Through Poetry1596 Words  | 7 PagesLove is responsible for the greatest tragedies in life which leaves a resounding impact on people. Lord George Gordon Byron was a Romantic poet who was alive from January 22, 1788 to April 19, 18241. During his life he was a man of many relationships with most of them ending unsuccessfully and in heartbreak. 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The English romantic poetry is dense and divided into two eras; William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Blake wrote in the first half of the romantic period and Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats wrote in the second half. The Romantic Era is known for the development in poetry, from metaphysical approaches to the simple use of the language, the romanticRead MorePeriods of English Literature1515 Words  | 7 Pagespoetry, with its many hues of passion, emotion, tragedy and triumph. The main characteristic of the Renaissance period is the Renaissance humanism, a claim of the dignity of man against hatred. Shakespeare had an image of man as he was before the Fall, and as he is still capable of being. Shakespeare also placed man between the angels and the beasts in the chain of Being that was an important concept in the Medieval mentality. Also important was society’s creation of the Renaissance man. The
Sunday, May 10, 2020
While Your Healthcare Practice Needs a Marketing Plan Essay
Why Your Healthcare Practice Needs a Marketing Plan Angela Bostick-Dixon Ashford University Strategic Planning amp; Marketing in Health Care MHA 626 Cynthia Davis November 27, 2011 Why Your Healthcare Practice Needs a Marketing Plan The business plan of any organization can only occur after a successful strategic plan is form and securely in place. The strategic plan in any corporation, organization, and small business ventures has a vision on where this organization needs to be in the future. â€Å"The strategic plan is a long-term (three- to- five years) views of where the organization is going†(Hillestad amp; Berkowitz, 2004, p. 32). A strategic plan is just that a plan of things to come and how to attain the business or how†¦show more content†¦What innovations must the organization posses to attract customers away from where they presently do business? Customer in general don’t like change and if they are happy where they are no matter what the business may entail, It will take a strong marketing department to change their minds and come over to your organization. Starbucks coffee shops in their business plan session had to come up with a concept that would have coffee drinkers to leave the coffee house of their choice and start drinking coffee at the local fancy coffee shop. Marketing came up with pleasant interior and exterior surrounding, coffees of all kinds and free Wi-Fi, customer were sold on that and even though Starbuck coffee is expensive, sitting while working with digital devices and drinking coffee may Starbucks company successful. Why does your health care practice needs a marketing plan? The same reason every other organization needs a marketing plan to stay competitive with the local market and surrounding healthcare providers. Joel Ellis, president of Practice Builders has a list of reasons why medical centers, clinics, and hospitals need a marketing plan. The main reasons why healthcare practice needs a marketing plan as outlined in the video are (a) plan nothing, nothing is what you accomplish, (b) financial investing, (c) there are risk to an organizations financial bottom line, and reputation, and marketing can’t be done on a sometimeShow MoreRelatedWhy Do Healthcare Practices Need a Marketing Plan?793 Words  | 3 Pagesadvertising and marketing efforts for the coming year is known as a marketing plan. A marketing plan includes a statement of the marketing situation, a discussion of target markets and company positioning and a description of the marketing mix intended for use in reaching m arketing goals (, 2012). A second definition of a marketing plan is as follows: a plan that describes the activities involved in achieving certain marketing objectives within a given timeframe. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diet Analysis Paper Free Essays
The three-day diet analysis was interesting. There were many positive attributes to it and definitely negative ones. Over the course of the three days, which were Friday, Saturday and Sunday: and figured this would give a good depiction of what I was consuming on a regular basis. We will write a custom essay sample on Diet Analysis Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now In some places I was consuming more than I should be and in some I was consuming less than I should be. There were also those places were I was getting just the right amount. It is so interesting to me to be able to find out what I am consuming and how I am consuming it. Being an active male, it was most interesting of what I ate, what my average of the three days were, and the plan on how I would correct the way I eat to make it a more healthier lifestyle. My Pyramid was not that shocking, when I saw Grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, and bean intake compared to the recommendation. Personally, it made sense of what I was meeting and what I was missing, yet, have done nothing about it. I love my grains, even though I am a celiac. I do not really follow the guidelines and still chose to eat a lot of grains. This was at 10. Oz and I met the required intake for grains. The vegetables I tend to eat are broccoli, carrots, and from time to time I eat cauliflower. So, I was at 1. 2 cups of vegetables compared to the recommended intake of 4. 0 cups. I already knew I hardly reach the fruit intake that happened to be zero percent. I have never been a big fruit person, besides eating apples to keep the doctors away. Got milk? Of course, I always drink my milk when I eat all the grains out of the cereal bowl. Thus, I was at 1. 5 cups compared to 3. 0 cups of the recommended intake. Lastly, meat and beans I was at 5. 5 oz and cheated, because I ate at taco bell! Overall, the above groups did not surprise me and did show me how far I still was to reaching the food-list compared to the latest USDA Dietary guidelines. My actual intake for Protein was at 83. 30 grams and exceeded the recommended by 8. 91 grams. When looking at the meal assessment, lunch was when I received the most protein during my three-day analysis. I normally eat out during lunch, because I am either at school or work and it is convenient. I usually do not think of whether or not I am cooking the right foods that have a good amount of protein at dinnertime, and rely on fast-food chains. Since, I am over on my protein intake I am not worried about having to rely on fast-food to get the appropriate amount my body needs. Carbohydrates (carb) for me were at 206. 36 grams when it should be at 554. 37 grams, so not exactly where I need to be. Again, my carb intake was the highest during lunchtime. The foods highest in carbs high in starch or sugar would be found in the grains (Cinnamon Toast Crunch), starchy potatoes (French fries), and any foods with added sugar. Low carb foods I consumed were the meat (lunch and dinner), eggs (breakfast), and the small portion of vegetables (broccoli and carrots). Total fat was 63. 9 grams compared the 125. 43 grams of total fat recommended. Also, my saturated fat was 18. 16 grams when listed at 40. 32 grams of recommended intake. Not too sure on fats, except from the fact that the key is to replace bad fats (saturated and trans) with good fats (poly and monouns) in our diet. Knowing which fats will raise my LDL cholesterol and which ones will not is the first step to lowering my family’s history of heart disease. Cholesterol was 254. 51 mg, which was very close to my recommended intake. If there is one thing I learned so far this semester, it is to eat foods that are low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and free of trans fat. I have never had a screening done before, yet, seeing that my Cholesterol was fairly high, I might reconsider. Being an athlete I know I can use all the fiber I can get to keep my digestive system clean. During the three-days, I only took in 17. 20 grams and I should be consuming at least 56. 44 grams. Fiber can be found in fruit (I did not eat during the trial), vegetables (I ate very little), and wheat foods that were most likely the main source I got the fiber from. On an infomercial with Montel was selling his new â€Å"Health Master†blending machine. During his spiel, he started talking about how the majority of us add salt to foods that already have a good source of salt. I found it interesting, because I know I do this when I get chips or chili. From what I got, the key to healthy eating is choosing foods lower in salt, sodium, and try to not add extra salt to foods (unless your mother’s cooking is bland). Well, I had a very high intake of sodium of 2,730. 78 mg when it should have been at 2,300 mg. I usually stop by the blood pressure machine when at the grocery store and it tends to be good. So, I am not too worried about having to choose a low-sodium diet, unless it becomes a trend when being over my intake level. Astonishingly, my vitamin intake was really good, and I am somewhat surprised by that. There were only two Vitamins I was low in enough to talk about were vitamin C at 69. 19 mg Folate, which was at 273. 60 mcg of my recommendation of 400 mcg. Minerals seemed to be average for me, with potassium, magnesium, and calcium (I have to take extra by pill form) being the lowest out of the eight listest on the report. Calories, calories from fat, and calories from Saturated fat were all low for me as well. I am a guy and unfortutely I do not count my calories, however, I have a cool application on the I-phone that is a calorie counter! The diet analysis opened my eyes and realized that I do not know what I am really doing to my body. My feelings are different after finding out the true facts. Knowledge is the key to a healthier lifestyle, and the diet analysis program has helped a lot. Goals I need to set for myself are balancing out what I am eating, try to learn as much as I can on the subject of nutrition, and be more aware of what options are available to me when I go out to eat during lunch (smaller portions). Those are problems that I would like for my to correct. How to cite Diet Analysis Paper, Papers
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