Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Political Investment Environment of India Essay Example

The Political Investment Environment of India Paper Like the situation in China, it is important and critical for investors to know local lattice environment and government relations if planning to run business locally in India, since government has large rights over a lot of affairs. After doing some research, I find that there are supports as well as some obstacles placed from political environment. According to Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in India, before 1991 , India government was cautious of opening domestic market to foreign investors. Introduction of foreign investment industries were mostly considered to be advanced technology or which can ensure product export. However, India government changed the attitude that they cancelled some limitations to FAD (foreign direct investment) and established Foreign Investment Promotion Board and Cabinet Committee to encourage FAD, expanding the entry scope of FAD and relaxing equity holding limits. Indian government encourages foreign capital to flow to the new and high technology industries, especially software industry. Thus there are preferential policies on investment in software industry, such as exempting taxes of import and export software, exempting income tax in 10 years, setting standard international intellectual property rights to protect reign investors. What more, as stated in the agreement on Trade- Related Investment Measures (TRIMS), Indian government reduced and eliminated discrimination of foreign investment, adjusting the policies of FAD in India to be as equal as domestic business, such as reducing tax rate and permitting FAD to practice all the preferential policies in high-tech commercial zones. We will write a custom essay sample on The Political Investment Environment of India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Political Investment Environment of India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Political Investment Environment of India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In certain industries, India even practices policies that are advantageous to foreign companies. For example, Indian government required that new private investors who wanted to enter telecoms service industry needed to cooperate with foreign investors, giving chances for foreign investors to break into Indian market. On the other hand, theres some disadvantages of investing in India. Firstly, in terms Of government system, according to the website ABUTTING, Indian government mainly practices federal system of government, which consists of central government and state governments and is a multi-party system of government. The general parties are state-level parties before they are registered by the Electoral Commission (CE) to become nation-level parties, which may participate in different nationwide elections. Besides, other political organizations, commissions and Nooks play major parts in Indians politics. This little bit complex political system places obstacles for foreigners who are not familiar with local political environment. Investors need to figure out the relations between different political parties and their rights over different affairs. Then it would be easier to run business locally and more possible to succeed. Besides, it is said on ABOUT INDIA that political turmoil happens when a minority government is formed. This may affect export- oriented companies and investors who invest in these kinds of companies, nice new parties draw up and implement different policies that directly impact business environment. Moreover, like other developing country, corruption in India is severe. It is stated on Remuneration International, an international market research and business strategy provider, that corruption in India seriously impacts its business and political environment. According to Transparency Internationally Corruption Perceptions Index for Selected Countries in 201 0, India ranked 87th place out of 180 countries. The image of Indian government reduces investors confidence of investing in India. Theres supporting policies from Indian government as well as obstacles.

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