Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Communicative Language Teaching Clt English Language Essay
The Communicative Language Teaching Clt English Language Essay In this thesis written about Communicative Language Teaching, I especially focused on Communicative Language Teaching-activities. First of all you will get introduced with the beginning of CLT and its characteristics, because it is important to know the beginning of CLT: When did begin? How it is formed the CLT that we are using nowadays? What characteristics does it have? Why it is useful for teaching foreign language? In the pages that follow, it will be argued of three kinds of practise which I consider basically remarkable: Mechanical practise, Meaningful practise, Communicative practise. Classroom activities in CLT which are: Accuracy activities and Fluency activities, are mentioned in this paper as important point that CLT has, also I have done an observation in primary school to see which activity is being implemented in primary schools, because it is very important to see how good our educational system is going and to prepare myself as a future teacher to select which activi ties are more comfortable for pupils. Next section of this paper it has an elaboration of CLT-Activities; there you will see their implementation and one example for each of them. I have done a questionnaire for pupils contained by ten questions related to CLT-Activities, and after it I have explained the results of each question of questionnaire. At the end you will see an overall conclusion of this paper, what I have understood based on my research, observations, theoretical part of Communicative Language Teaching. I Communicative Language Teaching What is CLT? In the late years, there has been an increasing interest in learning English as a foreign language, which basically considered one of the most important languages in all over the world. People need English for their jobs, career, life, travelling, studies, etc. The problem was and in some countries is still considering problem in how to learn and how to teach a foreign language (including rules of grammar, pronunciation, skills, communication). Fifty years ago Grammar was a remarkable point in teaching a foreign language, the systems focus was in teaching a foreign language based just in grammar (rules, sentence formation, definitions) which was called Traditional Approach. Fortunately activities started to be in process of changing with other activities and soon traditional approach went out of fashion. What made this approach to get out of the system was a new approach called Communicative Language Teaching or CLT. With CLT began a movement away from traditional lesson formats wher e the focus was on mastery of different items of grammar and practise through controlled activities such as memorization of dialogs and drills, towards the use of pair work activities, role plays, group works activities and project work (Richards) (n.d). Based on this citation and what is generally accepted about CLT, I can say that CLT is a new approach, useful too, and it focuses on needs of teachers: How to teach a foreign language? And also in students: How to learn a foreign language? 1.2 The Beginning of CLT and its characteristics. According to Richards (n.d) CLT created a great deal of enthusiasm and excitement when, first appeared as a new approach to language teaching in the 1970s and 1980s. So it is understandable that CLT has changed a lot of things in the field of language teaching. As I mentioned before the Traditional Approach was a set of grammar rules, therefore it had a principal goal which is called Grammar Competence. Grammar Competence is full filled with rules grammar, creating sentences based on grammar, communicating with rules, whereby the feeling of natural language was absent. As a result professors of language thought that there can something more than Grammar Competence, and there as a principal goal of Communicative Language Teaching is Communicative Competence. Communicative Competence which is at the heart of our understanding of CLT plays a very important role in function of CLT. CLT needs Communicative Competence in order to be useful and cannot work without it. à ¢- Why Communicative Competence is so important for CLT -Communicative Competence is a relative not absolute, and it depends from the cooperation of participants, their involvement, and so on. There are four aspects of Communicative Competence: à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢Grammatical Competence Even that teaching Grammar is considering boring from students, we cannot avoid it, and grammar is principal thing of speech, communication, formal or informal written. However for me as a future teacher, I should find ways how to teach grammar without creating stress on students, or creating a boring class. -Discourse The second aspect of the Communicative Competence is Discourse. In this aspect can enter the intersentential (it means: email, conversations, communication). -Social cultural elements. The third aspect Communicative Competence is Social Cultural Elements. In this aspect is very attractive one this one includes interaction, context and students in the classroom. Practising social cultural elements than bringing in cultural things, and having students practising it, it means they have ability to communicate on natural context. -Strategic Competence Strategic Competence goes beyond the classroom instruction, by using strategies and learning by mistakes students can communicate easily, can learn different ways of expressions. Also Accuracy and Fluency activities play very important role in Communicative Competence; their balance is the true model of Communicative Competence. Communicative Learning Teaching uses these four components of Communicative Competence in order to function successfully in process of teaching and in learning. Communicative Language Teaching involves different kinds of classroom activities that gives students opportunity to see natural language and real communication that promotes learning. CLT- Activities As we saw in the chapter I CLT is to full fill needs of teachers and students in process of teaching and learning a foreign language. Through CLT we learn in natural way a foreign language. This can be realized through activities that CLT has. CLT Activities are very helpful in EFL classes, they manages to create a comfortable atmosphere in classroom, they can raise the motivation of students, through them teachers can find many easily ways to teach a foreign language, even if they have in plan to teach grammar or something that seems a bit complicated. à ¢- I want to highlight two important classroom activities of CLT: -Fluency activities -Accuracy activities According to Richards (n.d) one of the goals that CLT is to develop fluency in language use. Fluency is basically formed by classroom activities in which students use communication strategies, they learn by doing or practising things or by finding weakness point and works on them in order to eliminate. On other hand we have Accuracy that is distinct from Fluency. According to Richards (n.d) accuracy focuses on the formation of correct examples of language, it does not require meaningful communication and the choice of language is controlled. So seeing the characteristics between of Fluency and Accuracy I can say that in fluency activities students feel freer in using a foreign language, because the process of fluency it gives opportunity to all students to communicate in foreign language, students learn by practising things, they can correct themselves while communicating. Whereas in Accuracy students are under the control of teacher, here the rules of strategies are strict than in F luency, and this may cause a great stress on students, so teachers should take care how they use such activities. Neither Fluency nor Accuracy is less or more important than the other, they should be treated in the same way. They are equal components in classroom. For example if a teacher uses fluency activities, and finds some grammatical mistakes on students than can use accuracy activities to work on those mistakes. Likewise can happen the opposite first to use accuracy activities than those rules of grammar (words formation, tenses, passive voice, etc) to apply in fluency activities to see if students have understood it. So none accuracy or fluency can work without each other, they are linked together, and cannot be separated. To function in the right way both accuracy and fluency I have noticed some steps that should be taken into the account before we want to realize these kind of activities. à ¢- The role of teacher and students in classroom. Teachers play an important role in classroom. They should be prepared well to be in front of students. Teachers should plan things, lessons, and activities before they go to the class, or contrary they should be flexible in order to change things if the plan is not working. Teachers should be a facilitator in classroom, should be there whenever students have needs or have questions. Teachers should undertake a lot of things in order to grow self-confidence and values on students. All these things cannot be realized just by teachers also the participation of students is very important. Students should be ready to collaborate, to come prepared in school; they should do their duties or homework given by teacher. They should be collaborative with other classmates, not to work just by themselves, to be helpful with others and so on. If teachers wants to apply fluency or accuracy activities should think before about other things like: Breaking the routine/ Sitting arrangements -None likes the routine especially students, they get bored if teacher focuses only in grammar (sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.), teachers should take care how to organize things lessons, to divide them in order to eliminate a routine to make things more enthusiastic and fun. On other hand students might get out of control and then the sense of learning will lose its purpose. à ¢- Seating arrangements can be one of the principal elements if teachers want to apply certain activities, if they want to change somehow the atmosphere in class, and to break the routine. I want to represent three kinds of seating arrangements which I consider basically and other seating arrangements can flow from these three seating arrangements. -In the first figure we can see the usually seating arrangements Seating in rows. row.jpg Seating in row is very usually arrangement, so as you can see the figure there can be seat one students or two in one desk it depends on the number of students in class. Students are in front with a teacher, the class is more quite with this seating arrangement. This seating arrangement can perfectly function if there is any activity for example working individually or if there are two students in one desk they can work in pairs. The technique Think-Pair-Share can be useful in Seating in row. Teacher can give a target for example What is a weather today first they think individually and then they pair with each other and at the end they can share their discussion with the class. -In next figure is the other seating arrangement and very commonly used Group Work Group-Tables3.jpg With Group seating arrangement a lot of CLT activities can be realized, if there are any game activities that need more than two students or any collaborative work group seating is the best one. In this seating arrangement the class should be divided in five or six group which contain by four or five students, it depends on the number of students. Teacher should control all the time students if they are working or having any difficulties because using this kind of seating arrangement in the class there can be a lot of noise and students might be out of the control. Group seating it gives opportunity to students to be interactive to be collaborative to correct each other, to create friendship with other classmates, and so on. In the third figure we have the third seating arrangement called Horseshoe in addition is my favourite seating arrangement. images.jpg I consider the Horseshoe seating more favourable because none is in the centre ,all are treated equal and everyone can see each other without leaving anyone else aside. Through Horseshoe there can be developed a lot of debated, discussions, everyone feel free to talk and like this fluency activities can be realized. Regarding to my experience in the primary or secondary school when we used this kind of seating the words started to flow itself, because the atmosphere that is created it pushes you to communicate in foreign language without noticing it.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Chemistry Stpm Essay
A – Structural Questions: Question 1. (a)(i) The presence of isotopes 1M (ii) Let the abundance of 63X be a %. The % abundance of 65X. = ( 100 – a ) 1M Relative atomic mass = ( 62. 93 x a) + ( 64. 93 x ( 100 -a) ) 1M 100 63. 55 = 62. 93a + 6493 -64. 3a 100 6355 = -2a + 6500 a = 69. 0% 1M The % abundance of 65X = 100- 69. 0 = 31. 0 % Relative abundance 63X : 65X 1 : 2 1M (iii) Relative Abundance 63 64 65 Relative mass /m/e 2M SpeciesprotonsneutronsElectrons 20 Ne 10 10 10 10 16O2- 8 8 8 10 2 M The species have same number of electrons or isoelectronic. M â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 10M 2. (a) (i) H2O2 + 2H+ + 2 I- > 2H2O + I21M (ii) Rate = k [H2O2] [I-]1M (iii) 0. 21M 0. 11M (iv) second order1M (b) (i) 121M (ii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. 1M (iii) +2 , X has two valence electrons2M (iv) X is a better electricity conductor. 1M â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 10M 3. (a) Atomic size increases, screening effect increases with more inner shells of electrons 1M effective nuclear charge decreases, ionisation energy lowered, valence electrons are more easily removed. 1M (b) i. Be2+ (aq) + 4H2O (l) > [ Be (H2O)4 ]2+ (aq)1M ii. It is acidic, acting as a Bronsted-Lowry acid1M The Be2+ ion has a high charge density 1M and can strongly polarise large anions due to its smaller size. 1M The ions of other Group 2 elements have larger sizes and charge densities and weaker polarising power (d)i. platinum and rhodium1M ii. 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) ? 4NO(g) + 6H2O (g)1M iii. low temperature1M low pressure1M ( Note : The reaction is exothermic reaction. According to le Chatelier principle, a low temperature will favour the formation of NO. For gaseous equilibrium, a decrease in pressure will favour the reaction which produces more gaseous molecules. Thus in the above equilibrium a low pressure will avour the formation of NO. ) ________ 10M 4. (a) i. A is CH3CH2CH2COOH1M B is CH3CH2CH2COCl1M C is CH3CH2CH2COOCH2CH 1M ii. butanoyl chloride1M iii. Formation of ester: CH3CH2CH2COCl + CH3CH2OH > CH3CH2CH2COOCH2CH3 + HCl1M (b) i. H3N+CH2COOH + H2NCH(CH3)COOH > H2NCH2CONHCH(CH3)COOH + H2O1M Glycylalanine1M ( Note: Alanylglycine can also be formed ) ii. The amino group –NH2 which is basic group reacts with hydrochloric acid to form the ammonium chloride salt of alanine1M HOOCCH(CH3)NH2 + HCl > HOOCCH(CH3)NH3+Cl- 1M ___________ 10 M SECTION B – ESSAY 5. (a) (i) Orbitals with the same energy1M Example : 2p or 3d s orbitals1M ii) Nitrogen atom has 7 electrons 1M Fill 1s orbital with 2 electrons1M Fill 2s orbital with 2 electrons1M Fill 2px,2py and 2pz orbitals with 3 electrons1M / 6 1M (b) Fe 2+ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d4 1M Fe 3+ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 1M In terms of electronic configuration, Fe 3+ is more stable than Fe 2+ 1M Because it has half-filled 3d orbital which is more stable1M. / 4 (c ) The valence electronic configu ration of the electrons for nitrogen atom is 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz11M Nitrogen atom uses sp3 hybrid orbitals for forming covalent bonds between N and H atoms. Energy 2p sp3 hybrid porbitals N(ground state) 1M In sp3 hybrid orbitals of nitrogen atom,one of the orbitals Is occupied by a lone pair of electrons and three sp3 orbitals are half filled 1M Each N-H atom is formed by the overlapping of the s orbital of hydrogen atom with one of the half filled sp3 orbitals to give the ammonia molecule 1M Diagram of the bond formation in NH3 molecule. M /. 5 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Total : 15 M 6. (a) Dyanamic equilibrium †¦. a reversible reaction , in a closed system forward and backward reactions have the same rate of reaction. 2M (b) (i) N2O4 – 2NO2 Kc = [NO2] 2 = [0. 12] 2 [N2O4] [0. 04] = 0. 36 mol dm-3 5M (ii) Using PV =nRT where n = 0. 12 +0. 04 = 0. 16 mol P = 0. 16 (8. 31) (383) 10 -3 = 509. 24 kPa. 3M (c) N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) – at low temperatures, % NH3 is higher – forward reaction is exothermic equilibrium position shifts to the right at higher temperature -forward reaction is accompa nied by a reduction in volume of gas -at higher pressures, equilibrium position shifts to the right -at high pressures, % NH3 is higher5M â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Total : 15M No. 7 (a)(i) Aluminium metal is extracted by electrolysis The electrolyte is molten bauxite in sodium hexafluoroaluminate. The electroyte has aluminium ion and oxide ions. Anode : 2O2-  > O2 + 4e Cathode : Al3+ + 3e  > Al5M (ii) (Any 2 points) light Resistant to corrosion Strong alloy2M `(b)aluminium : A giant metallic structure, strong metallic bonf. Silicon : giant 3 D covalent structure. Strong covalent bond between silicon atomes. higher melting point Phosphorus and sulphur – Both are simple molecules. Weak van der waals between molecules Sulphur has a stronger intermolecular forces – S8 larger than P48M No 8. (a) chlorine – strong oxidation agent Bromide is oxidized to bromine E ° of chlorine is more positive than that of bromine. Cl2 + 2Br- â€â€- > 2Cl- + Br24M (b)iodine forms triodes complex in KI. I2 + I- â€â€- > I3- Iodine does not form any complex ions in water. I2 + 2H2O  > I- ¬ + HIO + H3O+4M (c)HCl is released in cold acid NaCl + H2SO4 a NaHSO4 + HCl If heated more HCl released. NaHSO4 + NaCl -a Na2SO4 + HCl4M (d) Iodide is oxidized to iodine Purple Iodine is released Pungent smell of H2S is detected3M â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Total : 15M 9. ( a ) ( i ) order : W, Y, X W, Y, X act as Lewis bases. X is the strongest base because ethyl group is an electron donor by inductive effect. Y is more basic than W because the lone pair electron on the N atom is not delocalised. W is less basic than Y because the lone pair electron on the N atom is delocalised into the benzene ring. M ( ii ) pKb value > 9. 39 Z is a weaker base than W. Presence of Cl – an electron withdrawing group reduces the donating potential of lone pair electron on the N atom through inductive effect. 4M ( b ) Concentated H2SO4 and HNO3. , 550C Mechanism: HNO3 + H2SO4 NO2+ + HSO4– + H2O NO2+ is an electrophile. H + NO2+ NO2 H NO2 + HSO4– –NO2 + H2SO4 + HNO3 –NO2 + H2O 6M Total : 15 marks 0 . ( a ) ( i ) Terylene/Dacron ~~~~O – CH2 – CH2 – O – C – –C – O – CH2 – CH2 – O – C – –C~~~~ 3M || || || || O O O O ( ii ) Condensation polymerisation To make cloth/sleeping bags, etc 2M ( b ) ( i ) K: functional group : -OH isomers : CH3CH2CH2OH and CH3CHCH3OH arm isomers separately with alkaline iodine, CH3CHCH3OH gives a yellow precipitate but CH3CH2CH2OH does not. CH3CH2CH2OH + 4I2 + 6OH– CHI3 + 5I– + 5H2O + CH3COO– 5M (ii ) L : functional group : ? C = O | Isomers : CH3CH2CHO and CH3COCH3 warm isomers separately with Tollen’s reagent. CH3CH2CHO gives a silver mirror but CH3COCH3 does not. CH3CH2CHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]2+ + OH– CH3CH2COO– + 2Ag + 2NH4+ + 2NH3 5M Note: Can also accept other suitable chemical test. Total : 15 marks
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Effect Of The Stroop Effect On Accuracy, Time And...
The Effect of the Stroop Effect on Accuracy, Time and Self-Confidence Levels Stroop’s 1935 study was the first experiment to test the Stroop effect as we know it now. The Stroop task measures the participants’ ability to ignore some parts of the stimuli, either the color of the word or what the word actually reads and pay attention to others. This is especially the case when the stimuli is incongruent, or when color written does not match the color of the font it is written in. The research question that this study seeks to answer is what effect if any does the Stroop Effect have on accuracy, time and confidence levels of participants. In their 2012 study, Khanna and Gupta asked how lunch and sociability affected Stroop test scores.†¦show more content†¦Sheehan, Donovan and MacLeod (1988) sought to find out if hypnosis affected Stroop test performance. Participants were sorted into two groups, those highly susceptible to hypnosis, and those not really susceptible to hypnosis. The subjects were tested three times, waking, under hypnosis with no strategy manipulation and hypnosis with strategy manipulation. This study found that reaction times and accuracy were not significantly different between those highly susceptible to hypnosis and those not susceptible, however, both groups of participants had significantly slower reaction times when hypnotized. This study shows that hypnosis slows down reaction time, and does not increase accuracy. The gap in research that this study is aiming to fill is the relationship between the stroop effect and time, accuracy, and confidence self-ratings. This study will have pa rticipants read both a congruent and incongruent Stroop task for both time and accuracy. After they are finished they will self-rate their confidence levels. Based on previous studies, I predict that there will be a main effect of list type, I think that the congruent list will be read faster, with better accuracy and a higher confidence level. I also predict that there will be a main effect of task type. I think that the word naming task will be read faster, with better accuracy, and a higher confidence level. I also predict that there will be an interaction effect. TheShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pagesstatistics, computer programming, psychometrics, and test development. Currently, he divides his duties between teaching and evaluation; in addition to teaching, he is the assessment facilitator for the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Community Schools. In his spare time he enjoys reading and hiking. He and his wife have a daughter , Anna, who is a graduate student in Civil Engineering at Cal Tech. JAY DEVORE earned his undergraduate degree in Engineering Science from the University of California at Berkeley, spentRead MoreOcd - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment131367 Words  | 526 Pagesconsumed with improbable, even nonsensical, thoughts of harm, sex, and violence that his or her ability to function in daily life is in serious jeopardy? How can these mental intrusions cause so much anxiety and lead to the irresistible urge to carry out time-consuming compulsive rituals? How can a reasonable, logical person draw such f limsy and farfetched inferences and associations between entirely unrelated ideas when it comes to his or her primary obsessive–compulsive concerns? All of this occurs,
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Portrayal of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness...
Portrayal of Women in Heart of Darkness In his novel, Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad exposes the evil lurking in the soul of mankind; but this corruption is hidden from the innocent European women. Conrad?s novel depicts women simplistically in black and white ? without any confusing shades of gray. There are the innocent white European women who must -- for societys sake -- be misinformed, and the black African she-beast ? the antithesis to civilizations order. Those exposed to the corruption either embrace the wickedness, as does Kurtz, or resist it and become enlightened. But the innocent European women swallow the lies of the colonial administration. If Conrad was appalled by the high-sounding rhetoric†¦show more content†¦After all, was not the demonic Kurtzs foremost attribute the artistry of his speech? He could, with his talking, put forth the pulsating stream of light, or the deceitful flow from the heart of darkness (63). That is, he might speak of white benevolence and the enlightenment of the savage African while hiding this less than philanthropic postscriptum in his heart: Exterminate all the brutes! (66). According to Johanna M. Smith, Marlow needs to construct a beautiful world around the Intended (180), one function of which is to stabilize both the feminine sphere of saving illusion and the masculine sphere of confounded fact (181). Indeed, he takes up Kurtzs method of deceitful flow when he tells the Intended - - a lady lost in the idolatrous illusion of a noble Kurtz -- that her fiancà ©s dying utterance was her name and not The horror! The horror! (Conrad 86). This, however, is no simple manifestation of chivalric lying -- falsehood for the sake of protecting delicate womanhood; for Marlow knows that she is out of it -- completely. They -- the women I mean -- are out of it --should be out of it. We must help them to stay in that beautiful world of their own, lest ours gets worse. 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