Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Gonorrhea Disease A Sexually Transmitted Disease Essay
The leading cause of the disease Gonorrhea is the proliferation of the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known as gonococci or gonococcus. This bacterium is a gram-negative diplococcus, meaning it has a thin peptidogylcan layer in its cell wall and it is spherical in shape and found in pairs. The organism is usually found in the cell in a phagocytic leukocyte, with various nuclei shapes. Because the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae is found within a phagocytic white blood cell, it is unknown whether or not the bacteria is in the process of being killed or if they survive indefinitely. Neisseria gonorrhoeae is reported and notified as one of the most common bacterium affecting the reproductive system in humans. While Gonorrhea is a†¦show more content†¦Techniques that can be used to isolate the bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, are Gram Staining, oxidase test, and a catalase test. The transmission of Gonorrhea is strictly direct contact, most commonly transmitted through sexu al contact with an infected person. Transmission of this contagious sexual disease also includes having direct contact with infected bodily fluids. For example, a mother could pass on the infection to her newborn during childbirth. Gonorrhea is an infection of the reproductive system in either women or men. However, it can be acquired at any point of sexual contact, including oral-pharyngeal and anal. During infection, the gonococcus attaches to the mucosal cells of the epithelial wall by the means of fimbriae. The mucus membranes of the human body provide Neisseria gonorrhoeae with the warm and moist conditions necessary for its growth. These areas include the oral-pharyngeal area, the eyes, rectum, urethra, the opening of the cervix, and the external genitals of prepubertal females. The invading pathogen enters the body through the spaces separating columnar epithelial cells found in the warm moist areas of the human body. The release of endotoxins in the bacterial cell wall stimu lating inflammation in which leukocytes move into theShow MoreRelatedSexually Transmitted Disease, Gonorrhea713 Words  | 3 PagesGonorrhea is one of many highly contagious sexually transmitted infections caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a gram-negative intracellular diplococcus. These infectious bacteria can spread through sexual contact and intercourse, as well as transmission during childbirth from mother to fetus. This specific bacterium likes to grow in warm, moist areas of the body. They can multiply very fast and infect the mucous membranes. Gonorrhea is said to infect an approximate 820,000 people in theRead MoreGonorrhea Is The Second Most Prevalent Sexually Transmitted Disease1104 Words  | 5 PagesGonorrhea is the second most prevalent sexually transmitted disease in the world (Unemo 2011). Throughout time this disease has prevailed against different antibiotic defenses. This evolutionary advantage has allowed gonorrhea to continue its survival and t ransmission into different hosts. Understanding what causes the disease is important because what causes the symptoms in gonorrhea-infectected hosts can explain why this disease is successful. Taking a look at the evolutionary history in gonorrheaRead MoreSexually Transmitted Diseases Essay1303 Words  | 6 PagesSexually Transmitted Diseases Sex is a popular subject; it is on television, in advertisements, in magazines, and practically everywhere. One very serious side effect of an increase of sexual activity is the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. They affect more than twelve million Americans each year. Sexually transmitted diseases are becoming common and widely spread throughout Americans because of unprotected sex, permiscuity, and multiple sex partners. SomeRead MoreCollege Students In The United States Frequently Engage1508 Words  | 7 Pagesengaging in unsafe sex with a stranger is acquiring a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Medline Plus describes sexually transmitted diseases as â€Å"infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact and are a cause of bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viruses†(Medline Plus, n.d.). According to the Centers for Disease Control fact sheet on sexually transmitted diseases, an estimate of nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted infections occur every year in this country and accountRead MoreEssay On Std And Sds1116 Words  | 5 Pagesin NYC Sexually transmitted disease is defined as in infection passed from one person to another through sexual contact, according to the Health reference article, â€Å"STDs; What They Are and How to Prevent Them.†Approximately, 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases are found every year. Sexually transmitted diseases are most easily spread by having vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Shaking hands hugging or simply touching are not really ways to transmit sexually transmitted diseases. ResearchRead MoreUnderstanding the Risks Inherent Within a Communicable Disease: Gonorrhea Case Study896 Words  | 4 Pagescommunicable disease. One such disease, gonorrhea, while often mentioned , is very dangerous and little is actually known about this condition. The purpose of this essay is to describe and discuss gonorrhea and the efforts to control it and limit its effects on healthy lives and lifestyles. This essay will identify the environmental factors related to this disease an d explain some of the lifestyle choices, socioeconomic conditions and disease management all contribute to this disease. The essay willRead More Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essay1495 Words  | 6 PagesSexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases are an intimate part of many people’s lives. These diseases, one could say, represent a conflict between human and nature. It is a part of nature that humans are inclined to engage in sexual activity . Yet, humans are endangering themselves with the spreading of these diseases. Also, a human oriented disease can take on a life of its own, so to speak, and even turn deadly when nature takes it course. Humans have created antibioticsRead MoreSexually Transmitted Disease Information Essays1252 Words  | 6 PagesSexually Transmitted Disease Information Sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, also known as Venereal diseases, VD, are spread through sexual contact, and the exchange of body fluids. Anyone who is sexually active can contract an STD. Most STDs do not show symptoms, so you can have, spread and even contract an STD without even knowing it. Some STDs are serious and others can have long-term consequences. Some of the consequences could be infertility, certain cancers, and other chronic diseasesRead MoreEssay about Neisseria Gonorrheae Bacteria718 Words  | 3 PagesThe scientific name for the bacterium gonorrhea is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known as gonococci or gonococcus. It is a species of gram-negative spherical-shaped diplococci bacteria that is responsible for this disease. It is usually seen in pairs with neighboring sides flattened. The organism is usually found in the cell in a particular category of white blood cells with various shapes of nuclei, of the gonorrhea pustule exudates with humans as its only natural host. N. gonorrhoeae is highlyRead MoreStds Essay1077 Words  | 5 Pages20-24 was 2,643.8 per 100,000 (2016 Sexually, 2017). Which shows that chlamydia cases are highest among adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 years. Also, between 2015-2016 Gonorrhea rates reported increased 11.3% age 15-19 years, 20-24 years 10.9%, and for primary and secondary syphilis rates increased 13.0% age 15-19 and 8.1% for age 20-24 (2016 Sexually, 2017). Reported Cases of STD in the United States The CDC estimates 20 million new sexually transmitted infections occur every year, and accounting
Monday, December 16, 2019
Mondavi Wines Competitive Threats Free Essays
Mondavi: What threats in the business environment does Mondavi face and how is it addressing them? High quality premium wines produced by France, Italy, Spain, Chile and Argentina. In the past years, Demand increased for premium wines, while consumption of inexpensive, lower quality wine had fallen. As a result of changes in consumption patterns, Europe had created a great deal of excess capacity, while wineries of the new world (South America) continued to increase vineyard acreage in response to strong demand for high quality wines. We will write a custom essay sample on Mondavi Wines Competitive Threats or any similar topic only for you Order Now The size of the global wine industry was estimated by 155 billion dollars (approximately), where Europe and South America dominated global consumption of wine with a market share of 70%. Mondavi addresses this issue by leading the production of premium table wines in the US instead. This market participated with 11% of total world consumption representing 17 billion dollars. Analysts expected demand for premium wines to grow at 8% to 10% per annum. Thus, Mondavi focused 90% of its sales in the US through 15 top retailers and 10% to the rest of the world through exporters. Leverage Risks and Capital requirements The premium wine industry is a capital intensive business. Historically, Tim Mondavi and his team had financed its operations and capital spending principally through borrowings, as well as through internally generated funds. They owned vineyards in California, and the joint ventures controlled land in California, US and Italy, which produced 7% of the company’s total grape supply. The company purchased the rest of its grape supply from 360 independent growers through long term legal agreements. Because in the last years property value had risen and competitors had spent large amounts of money pursuing aggressive acquisition strategies, they could not face further growth with the same strategy due to the increasing high cost of capital. On the other hand, they could not outsource more grape from independent growers, since Mondavi worked closely with the growers to guarantee prime quality and the use of the new farming techniques developed by the company’s own vineyards. So Mondavi chose to focus on a different strategy for the future. He planed to grow its internal grape sourcing by 25% by 2005, focusing on organic growth of the wine and appealing to a new segment of consumers. Management plans to take the company to the next phase by enhancing the high quality of their existing brands, appealing to the organic sectors of healthy consumers and strengthening market positions. Product Substitutes Mondavi faced three types of competitors: rival firms that were focused on making premium wines, large-volume producers moving aggressively into the premium wine business, and global alcoholic beverage companies that were acquiring wineries to complement their beer and/or distilled spirits businesses. He estimated that only 12% of the consumers drank 88% of wines purchased in the US. To stimulate demand for his products, Robert Mondavi set out to educate American consumers and to enhance their appreciation of fine wine. Over the years, he became a leading promoter of the California wine industry. He encouraged visitors to tour the winery and to taste the new wines that he created. In addition, Mondavi began to host concerts, art exhibits, and other cultural events at the To Kalon vineyard. In 1976, the company established the Great Chefs program, the first winery culinary program in the US. Robert Mondavi explained his philosophy regarding fine wine, food, and the arts: â€Å"People who enjoy food, art, music, also enjoy fine wines, and they enjoy them more together. . . . Wine is more than a drink. It’s a culture. †Over time, the company began to advertise more extensively to broaden its customer base. Mondavi launched its first major radio advertising campaign to promote the Woodbridge and Coastal brands in 1998 and its first national television advertising in the fall of 2000. The firm’s advertising expenditures, including point-of-sale materials, reached $20 million in 2001. Michael Mondavi reflected back on the limitations of the firm’s marketing strategy of the early 1990s: â€Å"All those black tie events. We were complacent, cocky, and started believing our own press. For decades, our industry sent the wrong message, that wine is for special occasions, while the breweries told people that beer is the beverage of every occasion. That’s crazy. In the old country (Italy), wine was a blue collar beverage, not an elitist, white collar drink. Our goal is to grow the customer base by removing wine’s mystery, while still maintaining the magic. †As previously mentioned, the next step is becoming organic wine producers of its premier brands. While maintaining high quality standards, he will reach the new target audience of green consumers. How to cite Mondavi Wines Competitive Threats, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Action and Linking Verbs free essay sample
After the lessons on action and linking verbs it is good to test how students apply what they have learned through sentence construction. This activity will not be simple sentence construction. Rather, the students will be provided with a pool of words from which they will choose to make up their own sentences. There will be two levels: easy and hard. The easy level would include simple constructed sentence with only one subject and one predicate. The hard level would be compound sentences that may have two or more verbs. It will be more interesting if this activity is done on the blackboard in order to facilitate dynamics within the classroom. The class may be divided into teams whose members will take turns in filling up each sentence. Prepare ten sentences for each level. Each sentence would be missing an action verb or a linking verb. Prepare the missing action verbs and linking verbs for each sentence in sheets of paper that the students can post into the blank space. We will write a custom essay sample on Action and Linking Verbs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ensure that there are many verb choices to make the activity more interesting. The students can even play with their imagination in answering the questions. For the above example, the action verb could be goes, walks, runs, bikes, etc. In order to increase difficulty it is good to also include other conjugations of the verbs (go, went; walk, walked; run, ran; biking) in the word pool. Activity 2 In order to gauge the individual retention of students on the action and linking verb lesson, another activity would be essay writing. This will not be usual essay writing because this will enable instructors to look into the ability of the student to be aware of how verbs are used in a sentence and at the same time increase their capability to pinpoint action and linking verbs in paragraphs. This activity will even increase the writing skills of students especially when done at a regular interval. Ask students to write two 250 word essays on any topic they like. The first essay would be descriptive of something or someone and the other essay would be a narration of an event or a description of an action or procedure. This will enable the instructor to assess how the students use linking verbs (especially in the descriptive essay) and action verbs (in the narration essay). After the students have finished constructing the essays, they will be instructed to identify the action verbs and linking verbs they have used in the essays. They will be asked to identify ALL verbs used. Another option for the instructor is to make students exchange essays and identify the action verbs and linking verbs used by their classmate in the essays. This will enable them to look into other’s works and know the different styles of using verbs in sentences. Ensure that their answers distinguish the action from the linking verb. In this way, they will also be aware of the instances wherein action and linking verbs are used together in sentences. They can also point out mistakes in the usage of verbs as seen in the essays.
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