Monday, September 30, 2019
Tender-Invitation to Treat-Contract Law
Contract Law Presented by Kerra Bazzey Contract Law Formation of a Contract Terms of a Contract Discharge of a Contract Remedies for Breach of a Contract Formation of a Valid and Enforceable Contract Offer Acceptance Consideration Intention to Create Legal Relations Privity of Contract Capacity to Contract Must not be illegal or contrary to public policy Formation of a Contract A contract is an agreement which creates legal rights and obligations between the parties to it. It is formed when the parties reach agreement on the essential features of the bargain.Offer – a statement made by a party which manifests an intention to be bound on precise terms. The person who makes an offer is known as the offeror or the promisor. The person to whom the promise is made is the offeree or the promisee. Bilateral contracts – most common form of contract – here there is an exchange of promises. Unilateral contracts – commonly known as an ‘if’ contract †“ here the promise is one-sided as the offeror alone makes a promise. Elements of an Offer (i) An offer can be made to an individual, a group of persons or to the public at large.An offer to the public at large can only be made where the contract is a unilateral one. (ii) An offer should not be vague. Where on the face of it an offer appears to be vague, but the parties have had prior dealings or are operating in a particular trade, then the courts will imply certain terms and conditions to conclude that a statement that initially appeared vague is in fact sufficiently certain. (iii) A response in request to clarification on price or a request for more information is not an offer. Elements of an Offer Consider the following exchange: – H: â€Å"Will you sell us your farm called Bumper Hall Pen? Fax me the lowest price†? F: â€Å"Lowest price for Bumper Hall Pen is $1,200,000. 00†. -H: â€Å"We agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen for $1,200,000. 00 asked by you†. – F never replied to this. H argued there was a valid contract. -The court held that F’s statement was not an offer. – It was merely a response to a request for information which showed the lowest price that F would have been prepared to charge in the event that he chose to sell the Bumper Hall Pen. – H’s last communication could therefore not be regarded as an acceptance. Elements of an Offer (iv) If a person declares that he intends to so something, that statement of intention is not an offer.If someone acts based on what was declared, and the person who made the declaration does not carry out the act he stated he would, but the person who acted based on what was said suffers a loss, the person who suffered the loss cannot bring an action against the person who made the declaration. This is because there was never any offer so there was nothing to be accepted. Consider the following case: – An auctioneer advertised in the newspaper that he would be holding a sale of office furniture. – A broker commissioned to buy office furniture travelled from far to attend the sale but all the furniture was withdrawn. The broker sued the auctioneer for his loss of time and expenses. – Can he recover for his loss of time and expenses? – No. – The court would hold that an intention to do something does not constitute an offer geared towards create a binding contract. Invitations to Treat Invitation to Treat An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. An invitation to treat is an invitation to someone else to make an offer. It is not an offer because there is no intention to be legally bound. It is an invitation to negotiate. There are 4 categories of invitations to treat – advertisements in a newspaper display of goods on a shelf – auction sales – invitations to tender Invitation to Treat Advertisements As a general rule, an advertisement in a newspaper is not an of fer. It is an attempt to induce offers. This general rule is displaced where the advertiser by his word or conduct shows a clear intention to be bound, as is often the case in the unilateral contract. Display of Goods on a Shelf A store owner who displays goods on a shelf with the price attached does not make an offer. He is merely inviting the public to make an offer to buy the goods at the price stated. Auction SaleThe general rule is that in an auction sale, when the auctioneer invites bids, this is not an offer but an invitation to treat. When the bidder responds with a bid, he is in fact making an offer and the auctioneer is then free to accept or reject this. Invitation to Treat Invitation to Tender Generally a request to tender will be considered as an invitation to treat. Any tender document which is submitted in response to this request is an offer and the invitee of the tender is then free to accept whichever offer he chooses. Termination of an Offer (i) Revocation or with drawal of an offer by the offeror (ii) Counter offer (iii)Lapse of time (iv) Death (v) Non-fulfilment of a condition precedent Termination of an Offer (i) Revocation – A revocation is a withdrawal of an offer. An offer can be revoked at any time before it is accepted because there is no binding contract before acceptance. An offer cannot be revoked after it has been accepted. A revocation must be communicated to the offeree to be effective. If it is not, and the offeree accepts, there will be a contract. Termination of an Offer Consider the following: By letter dated 1st October, A offered to sell goods to B. – B received the offer on 11th October and immediately accepted by fax. Prior to that, on 8th October A wrote a letter revoking the offer. He mailed this and B received it on 20th October. – Is there a contract? – Yes. The court would hold that the revocation came too late and was not effective until it had reached B. A contract was made when B faxed his acceptance. Termination of an Offer The revocation does not have to be communicated to the offeree by the offeror himself. It is enough if the offeree learns of the revocation from a source which he believes to be reliable. A mere request for additional information does not destroy an offer. Consider the following example:A offered to sell B goods at $100,000 per ton and stated that the offer would remain open until Monday. – Early on Monday B telephoned A and asked him to indicate whether he would accept ‘$100,000 per ton for delivery over two months or if not, the longest limit he would give. In other words, he was asking whether he could buy the goods on credit. Termination of an Offer – A did not respond. – On Monday afternoon B contacted A to accept the offer and found out that A had sold the goods to a third party. – Was there is breach of contract? – Yes. – The enquiry was not a counter offer but a request for further infor mation.A’s offer had not been terminated. Termination of an Offer Counter Offer Lapse of Time Where an offer is stated to be open for a specified time only, once that time expires and the other party has not responded, then the offer automatically ends. If no time is stipulated, the offer may lapse after a reasonable time. Death Where the offeror dies before the offer is accepted by the offeree, the offer is terminated. If the offer is accepted before the offeror dies, it may be enforceable against the estate if it is not of a personal nature. Elements of a Valid Acceptance AcceptanceA contract can only exist when there is consensus ad idem, that is, a meeting of the minds. This is where the acceptance merges with the offer. An offeror can prescribe that the acceptance must occur in a particular manner, eg by post or hand delivered or by telephone. An acceptance to an offer is only effective if it is communicated to and received by the offeror. If something impacts upon the a bility of the offeror to receive word of the acceptance, for example, because of interference on the phone line or because the offeree is unable to speak clearly, then there is no contract.Elements of a Valid Acceptance Silence does not amount to acceptance. Consider the following example. B placed a house with an auctioneer to find a buyer. Subsequently A began to negotiate directly with B for the purchase of the house. The only outstanding matter was the question of the price. A stated â€Å"if I do not hear from you I shall assume that the house is mine at $X. †When B heard this he told the auctioneer not to sell the house. In error, the auctioneer sold it to another person. A sued in conversion (a tort alleging wrongful disposal of property).Although B’s actions suggested that he was in effect accepting B’s offer, the court held that there was no contract because he never communicated this acceptance to A. His silence did not amount to acceptance. There was therefore no contract. Elements of a Valid Acceptance An acceptance of an offer must be absolute and unqualified. If it does not accept all the terms of the contract as originally set out, it will be a rejection of the offer. Where the offeree introduces a new term which the offeror never mentioned he introduces a counter offer.A counter offer effectively puts an end to the original offer and it cannot be accepted later. Example – A offers to sell a house to B for $1,800,000. 00. B asks A whether he will accept $1,500,000. This request by B is a counter offer which has effectively brought the original offer to an end. There is therefore nothing open for B to accept and A is free to sell to a 3rd party. Acceptance When a counter offer is accepted then its terms and not the terms of the original offer become the terms of the contract. Example B and M agreed to enter into a formal contract after a series of negotiations.M sent the terms of the contract to B for signature. B sig ned the agreement but amended it by inserting the name of an arbitrator who would be used to settle any disputes. The contract was never formally executed but each party acted in accordance with the agreed terms. When a dispute arose under the contract, B sought to argue that there was no binding contract. The court held that the insertion of the name of the arbitrator was in fact a counter offer. Once M took delivery of goods in accordance with the terms of the contract, its conduct amounted to an acceptance of the counter offer. Acceptance Subject to Contract’ means that the parties do not intend to bind themselves until a formal document has been drafted and signed. The effect is no rights or legal obligations are imposed on either party. Acceptance The Postal Rule A distinction is drawn between an acceptance through instantaneous means and one in a contract by post. The post office rule constitutes the post office as an agent of the offeror. It states that when an accepta nce is placed under the lawful control of the post office, it is effective even without actual physical delivery to the offeror. The postal rule applies to acceptance only and not to offers.Acceptance Consider the following example: A posted an offer to B on 2nd September. That letter contained a clause which stated that A expected a response by the post. The letter was incorrectly addressed and reached B on the 5th September. B sent off a letter at once agreeing to all the terms contained in the offer. On the 8th September, A not having heard from B, sold the item to a third party. Was there a breach of contract? Yes, because a contract had been completed on the 5th September when B posted the letter of acceptance. The post office was the agent of A, the offeror and had received the acceptance on his behalf.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Developing and assessing employees Essay
â€Å"Success in a business requires discipline, training and hard work. But if you aren’t frightened by these things, opportunities are just as great today as they were.†David Rockefeller (US banker, 1915-present) As a human resource manager in an Interior Designing Company, Venture Interiors, I will be tackling training and development, and performance management in the company. Before I go any further, let me explain what I mean by training and employee development. Training is the acquisition of a body of knowledge and skills, which can be applied to a particular job. In Venture Interiors, employees have the basic interior designing skills, however due to technological development, employees constantly require new and higher levels of skills. In the past, we used to sit down with a paper and pen to draw up our designs, beginning with sketches to the final piece of work, this was not simple and took days because it required a lot of calculations and erasing and sometimes a simple blunder like a miscalculation, would mean starting all over again, I mean work that has taken you days to complete, you can imagine how tiring and frustrating and time consuming this is. But thanks to Computer Aided Designing Programs such as AutoCAD, designing is much easier, accurate and faster, you as the designer need only to come up with the ideas, and the rest of the work like drawing, editing, calculations, adjustments and even suggestions are done by the computer and this concept extends beyond designing into other areas such as digital advertisements, use of business software, on-line training etc. However the employees need to be trained how to use these programs and these programs also keep updating, for example at the moment AutoCAD 2004 is on the market and if the company wants to upgrade, we will need to train our employees. It is therefore very essential for the efficiency and the competitiveness of our business to update our employees’ skills by drawing out training programs and employee development according to each employee’s potential. Read more: Employee Training and Development Articles Employee development refers to a course of action designed to enable the individual to realise his or her potential for growth in the organisation; in other words we are not training employees for now, but for the future. For example, recently I promoted some employees in an internal recruitment scheme; these employees had undergone sufficient training for their prospective jobs over the last period of years they had served this company thus making them eligible for the new job positions. In order to develop an effective training program, it is vital for the human resource planner to draw up a need analysis, that is, what aims and objectives the organisation is trying to achieve from these programs, and what specific knowledge, skills and attitudes employees need to acquire in order to achieve these objectives, which skills are hot in the marketplace and identify which training route would be the best to achieve these objectives. For example, if I would like a staff member to develop his painting skills, I am not going to send him off for an IT course, I must choose a suitable training course like airless and conventional spray painting and decorative training. There are various types of training, which are broadly categorised into two; off the job training and on the job training. Off the job training is the kind of training where employees attain external courses. Members of staff are sent off elsewhere to receive training for days or even months. These could be commercial training courses or seminars. In Venture Interiors, we try to limit external courses to the staff members with the most potential because they are usually very expensive. Depending on the course, the overall cost could prove quite expensive for example; many courses may require an overnight stay at a hotel if the course is outside the area or the course itself may prove to be expensive due to the level of expertise or equipment needed to deliver the course. Sending employees to a training programme for one, two or even more days sometimes leads to shortage of labour, especially in the peak seasons causing loss of production within the company. On the other hand, off the job training is beneficial to the company in that external courses are sources of the latest information, current trends, skills and techniques for example current computer software or computerised technologies, decorative and photography skills, innovative administrative procedures etc. These new skills are brought back and utilised within the company. Employees sent to a course feel more valued as they realize that they are receiving quality training thus motivating them. ‘On the job’ training is the kind of training whereby members of staff acquire internal courses at their places of work. Employees are trained by experienced members of staff or external trainers; some companies such as ours, have even gone ahead to hire professional trainers. We decided on hiring professional trainers because we believe teaching or training is a specialisation in itself, so unless the person training has the skills and knowledge to train, this would mean that the training would not be done to a sufficient standard. According to the annual report by the Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) in England, as much as 60% of on the job training available is inadequate. We interviewed our trainees and one of the profound reasons turned out to be that some employees are distracted by the pressures at work making it difficult for them to focus on their training. However, on the job training has turned out to be cost effective and productive, as the employees are still working as they are learning; the company also does not have to cover costs such as accommodation in hotels. As training progresses, employees begin to feel more confident, this confidence allows them to work at higher standards and be more productive. Induction is an example of on the job training whereby employers try to make new staff feel welcome, ensuring that they understand the work and the vision of the organisation, where and who they will be working with and for, and the various operations of the organisation. In the course of their employment, staff members are exposed to various kinds of training and development in order to update their skills and develop their potential. These forms of training and development include seminars, workshops, job rotation and enrichment, coaching, encouraging employees to go for advanced qualifications and so on and so forth. As a company, we need to evaluate the effectiveness of these training programs to ensure that these programs have been beneficial not only to the employees but to Venture Interiors as a company. This is quite a task because training courses do not have a system of assessment or standardisation, which can guarantee learning, has been achieved to a specific standard. However, right from the beginning we had specific aims we were trying to achieve, for example some staff members needed painting and decorating skills, have these skills been improved, how has it affected their job performance, has it affected their attitudes positively, has it given them more self confidence and motivation, what do they think about the training they received, do they think they have benefited from it? Usage of tests could also be very helpful in the evaluation. The information acquired from this evaluation is very useful to the human resource manager as it could be of help in providing ideas of how to increase the effectiveness of current or later training and development activities. Nowadays it is also essential to carryout appraisals regularly in the company. Before I go any further, what are appraisals? Appraisals are sessions held between the employers and the employees to ensure they are on the right track at work and are clear on what they need to do going forward. In Venture Interiors, appraisals are carried out every four months. The employees are appraised by their fellow colleagues, supervisors, managers and clients. The appraiser sits down with the appraisee, and exchange their opinions. The appraiser makes sure they highlight the successes as well as the areas of improvement, praise the employee where it is necessary, where there is need for training and development propose something. Appraisals are not only beneficial to the company but to the employee too. The employee maybe motivated and this will benefit the company in the long run. Motivation is a very important aspect. Job satisfaction is often a strong motivator in work performance, as satisfied employees will go the extra mile and this is what our company needs. Rewards such as salaries apart, there are other ways of helping employees feel satisfied by their jobs. Venture Interiors is an interior designing company, therefore we are employing designers and artists, artists love creativity, and in order to motivate them, we encourage our employees to be creative in their work and prevent boredom, rotate tasks so that their work is challenging, appreciate ideas and suggestions the employees and even reward them for the initiatives. This way we have been able to motivate our staff and this has not only benefited them but venture Interiors as a company.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Transnational Corporations and the International Human Rights Regime Essay
Transnational Corporations and the International Human Rights Regime - Essay Example Thus, a gap in governance exists, between the scope and influence of economic actors and the market forces on the one hand, and the capability of societies to address and manage the harmful effects created by globalization, on the other hand. The UN’s Human Rights Council takes the position that ‘governance gaps’ created by the speed of globalization and the failure of states to keep pace in their capacities to provide the necessary regulatory frameworks enable the ‘permissive environment’ that allows for the ‘wrongful acts by companies of all kinds without adequate sanctioning or reparation.’ There is also a need to clearly define the standards against which the actions of transnational corporations are to be assessed, and the process in addressing perceived violations. It is necessary, prior to enforcement of sanctions, to identify the elements which determine the culpability of the accused corporation. In many cases, there is a lack of precedent according to which the new cases are to be judged. There is likewise uncertainty about the legal procedure to be followed, the vesting of jurisdiction in the proper authority, even the identification of the tribunal to hear the case. Light also needs to be shed on the protocol as to how claim may be made and the party with the personality to make it, and the protections which the accused corporation may avail itself of in warding off false claims and accusations. Human rights upon which business has an impact: standards of compliance Much will be said in the course of this discussion about those human rights upon which business has significant impact. An enumeration of these rights is shown in the appendix, and the rights are classified into two – the labour rights, and the non-labour rights.2 The list was compiled
Friday, September 27, 2019
Can public international law effectively moderate contemporary warfare Essay
Can public international law effectively moderate contemporary warfare - Essay Example International law is made by international treaties, which generates directives binding upon the parties, and accustomed laws, which are essentially state practices accepted by the community at large as establishing patterns of demeanor that have to be followed. Countries that are signatories to the international law do observe it, and infringements are relatively low (Basak, 2010). Nonetheless, such infringements such as racial oppression and armed attacks are exposed and attack the heart of the system, which is the generation and protection of international peace and justice. Just similar to normal assaults on national legal systems such as rapes, incidences of murder and robbery, corresponding attacks on international law show the weaknesses of the system devoid of their disparagement. In spite of the infrequent gross violation, the vast common requirements of international law are adhered to. This paper will seek to determine the effectiveness of the principles of international l aw in moderating the contemporary warfare. ... the threat or use of force Proscription on the use of force is the most significant principle that regulates International law, because of the magnitude of war, deeds of hostility and their consequences on the international system and associations between countries (Brownlie, 1999). This prohibition applies not only to the member states of United Nations but also to every nation. Additionally, this proscription is applicable to not only territories but also to borders and international distinction lines, because of the sensitivity of such lines in the cold war perspective (Armstrong et al, 2007). Most significantly, this principle forbids the indirect use of force. This is particularly significant since failing to include indirect use of force would mean that nations would indirectly do what they were prohibited to do. On one hand, it is clear that many nations respect this proscription. Additionally, this principle has been modified to include â€Å"lawful†use of force in nu merous instances using the powers of the UN Security Council. For instance, the Security Council Resolution 678 (1990) that permitted alliance forces to apply â€Å"all necessary means†including the use of armed force to sojourn Iraq’s illegitimate seizure of Kuwait (Dixon & McCorquodale, 2005). On the other hand, however, this principle has been the most challenged and breached principles of the international law. For example, the use of force for self-defense intentions, which is accepted in the customary international law as a â€Å"lawful†application of force, has been wrongly applied by the United States as an effort to validate illegitimate hostility (Basak, 2010). The USSR and US used â€Å"self-defense†to justify their use of force during the Cold War. In this regard, although this
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Online Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Online Marketing - Essay Example It critically assesses the distinctiveness of the marketing strategy approach of these companies, when compared to traditional retailers. It also tries to predict the likely future of retailing and the role on online retailers. It finally discusses more general implications for strategy theory and practice of the growth of online retailers. Online retailing refers to the process enabling consumers to buy goods and services through the Internet, with the retailer being referred to as a virtual store, online store, web-store, web-shop, internet shop, e-store or online shop. It is a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) transactions. This form of shopping has penetrated many aspects of our life, especially since the 1990s, linking us to a capitalist way of life in our everyday living. It enables us purchase whatever we require, whenever we require it. Online stores have the advantage of convenience since they are available round the clock and the buyers can access them from at the convenience of their homes and work. This is unlike the traditional physical stores that can only be accessed during the official working hours. Moreover, many online stores give links to supplementary product information like manufacturer's specifications, demonstrations, safety procedures and instructions. This form of shopping also enables a consumer to search and compare prices among various vendors by use of search engines. Backcountry's success story: A case study Backcountry was founded in 1996 with a mere $2,000 capital as a pure online retailer focusing on outdoor gear. It stated making profits in 1997, exactly a year after its founding, experiencing a triple digit growth six years in a row that culminated to 134 per cent in 2003. In 2004, Backcountry's sales revenue was $27.5 million dollars, an 84 per cent increase from the previous year's $14.7 million. These figures further rose by 89 per cent in 2005, settling at $52 million. The company earned great reputation for providing good quality outdoor gear on its website Moreover, the company created niche sites aimed at addressing specific needs for of target groups and catering for distinct customers. For instance, the price-sensitive athletes had, bargain seekers and, snowboarders while hardcore skiers had In 2002 Backcountry implemented a new customer service solution known as 'click-to-chat technology.' This earned the company many chatting interactions that resulted to improved customer satisfaction ratings as well as increased sales volumes. The company was therefore among the very first online retailers to adopt the live chat technology, earning itself the title of an established industry innovator. The company however soon realized that this technology only improved customer satisfaction levels without translating to increased sales. In order to leverage its employees' expertise and maximize its profitability, the retailer ventured into transforming
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 40
Case study - Essay Example Beverage cost percentage is rising because of the increased production cost and decreased selling. The awareness about the harmful ingredients in beverages and the global economic problems forced the consumers to reduce their drinking habits as much as possible. As a result of that beverage cost percentage is increasing day by day. Jack might be facing problems in maintaining adequate inventory levels in the central stores and preparation kitchen stores because of the problems in the reception and supply of goods. From the case study, it is evident that Jack is allowing the outlet managers and supervisors to take goods from the stores, outside of normal stores operating times. Such a habit would definitely allow the managers and supervisors to misuse their freedom. When items are dispatched outside the normal dispatching hours, it is difficult for Jack to record all the stores operations properly. Trainees definitely may not have the necessary skills to maintain an adequate inventory in the stores all the time. It is necessary to take the inventory of goods in the stores and that in the kitchen periodically to know the details of available stock against the consumption of items. It is necessary to purchase more goods when consumption increases and decrease the purchasing of goods when consumption decreases. Experience and skill are necessary to balance the store activities against the kitchen activities. It is easy for the kitchen managers to mislead the trainees with the help of wrong data. Since trainees are inexperienced, kitchen managers can force the trainees to allot more items than actually required for the kitchen operations. As an F & B manager, the first action I would take to improve the situation would be stopping of allotment of goods outside the normal operating hours of the stores. Secondly, I would ask the company to arrange
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Implemention of Enterprise Resource Planning in China Essay
The Implemention of Enterprise Resource Planning in China - Essay Example The literature review is divided into 3 sections. The first section explains the four approaches proposed for implementing I.S. The second section explains the 6 C.S.F for implementing ERP systems as explained by Yingjie.The third section explains the H.D.N.C. This is when an I.S is implemented at a particular geographical area or a particular branch of an organisation . Due to the fact the system is implemented with a small group of people, this method facilitates the identification of unforeseen disruption in the implementation of large scale I.S. This is when the legacy and the new system are operated simultaneously. The parallel approach is expensive to manage but facilitates in case of unforeseen disruptions or when the new system fails. In this case, the company are still able to achieve organisational objectives with the legacy system. This is when an I.S is implemented in a Big Bang or urgent manner. This will entail closing the old system at a particular day an d launching the new system the next day. Although this approach minimises costs (the transition cost and the operation cost) it is risky and could easily lead to system failure. In order for ERP system implementation to be successful, the shared vision of the organisation and role of the new system and structures should be communicated between managers and employees Top management has a significant role to play in ERP implementation. The roles of top management in IT implementation include encouraging the keen comprehension of the competencies and weaknesses of IT.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Spanish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Spanish - Essay Example Ellen y yo aprendimos espaol varios aos antes de casarnos. Nos conocimos en la Universidad Columbia. Ellen se gradu como psicloga y yo me gradu como traductor. Desde que nos mudamos a Santo Domingo conseguimos trabajo como profesores de ingls como segundo idioma en el Instituto Cultural Domnico-Americano. Al mismo tiempo mi esposa da clases de Psicologa en la Universidad Autnoma de Santo Domingo y yo trabajo como traductor en el Internet y tengo varios clientes en el rea de los negocios de bienes races. Nuestro hijo se llama Paul y estudia en el Colegio del Instituto Cultural Domnico-Americano. A todos nos gusta vivir aqu porque la vida en este pas es ms tranquila que en Nueva York. No vivimos con tanta prisa como se vive en Nueva York y nuestros salarios nos permiten vivir cmodamente. Adems de la gente nos gusta mucho el clima. Podemos decir que casi siempre es primavera, pero en verdad es como el verano casi todo el tiempo. No es un calor hmedo como en Nueva York. Es un calor diferente y vestimos ropa casual todo el tiempo. Tengo 5 pies y 6 pulgadas. Mi cabello es negro. Mis ojos son tambin negros. Tengo una personalidad extrovertida y me gusta compartir con la gente sobre temas espirituales. Dios es el centro de mi vida y mi esposa tambin confa mucho en Dios. Por eso nos llevamos tan bien.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Gender Essay Essay Example for Free
Gender Essay Essay During this essay I will be assessing the view that over the recent years the roles of both men and women have changed affecting society and the majority of households. In 1957 Elizabeth Bott as one of the first sociologists to study how the change of leisure, employment and lifestyle affected the roles of husbands and wives. She called these conjugal roles and claimed that there were two main types, segregated and joint. Segregated roles consisted of the splitting of the domestic tasks, where the men took care of the DIY tasks they carried the instrumental role. Womens tasks consisted of the cleaning, the cooking etc. they carried the expressive role. Joint roles meant the domestic labour within a household as distributed evenly. Willmott and Young studied the symmetrical family offering an alternative perspective on conjugal roles, claiming they had become increasingly similar. It appeared that division of labour based on gender was breaking down. Although, many did support this idea their work was challenged by feminist sociologists such as Ann Oakley. She provided some imperial research which dismissed the view of the sharing caring husband. Oakley based her research on interviews in which she had conducted on 40 married women with 1 or more dependant children. It showed that women saw housework and childcare as their prime responsibility and received little help from their husbands. Whereas Willmott and Young had claimed that 72% of men help in the house, this figure indicates that husbands only had to perform one household chore a week. Oakley stated that this is hardly convincing evidence of male domestication and women carried a dual burden, they go to work come home a follow out the domestic labour. However this evidence is 30 years out of date, but it does show that the roles of men and women are gradually moving towards equality and the symmetrical family but are still a long way from it. Fiona Devine conducted a small scale study of car workers families in Luton indicating that mens contribution to domestic labour increased when their wives re-entered paid employment. But the mans role is still secondary; all women remain responsible for childcare and housework where their husbands merely help them. This evidence clearly shows a pure suggestion of division of labour in most household tasks, although the equality and change indicates the tasks are becoming joint due to women working. To help show this trend another piece of research came into focus by Jonathon Gershuny, in which he analysed data from 1974-1987. It showed a gradual increase in the amount of domestic tasks preformed by men, and this increase is greatest when women are in full-time paid employment. Husbands whose wives worked spent double the amount of time cooking and cleaning. Gershuny concludes that women still bear the main burden of domestic labour, and there is a process of lagged adaptation. He thinks it may take up a generation or more until men catch up and make an equal contribution.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Banning Pit Bulls Essay Example for Free
Banning Pit Bulls Essay All dogs bite. Every single one of them has the potential to turn on their very owner and as studies and news tell it they turn on children, strangers and other pets more often than we care to know about. What make makes a dog aggressive to the point they attack innocent victims? Is it their genes and nature, their training or perhaps their owners? Some individuals have proposed banning certain breeds that display a propensity for aggressive behavior as a solution. Banning might get results faster but it’s not the only or best solution. Without a doubt certain breeds seem to be naturally more aggressive and protective than others. The breed that comes to mind first is the Pit Bull Terrier known as pits or pit bulls. While these dogs have a reputation for being tough, strong and aggressive, they are not the only ones that should be shouldering the entire blame for their behavior. I’m not saying that the victims are to blame; the blame should fall on irresponsible dog owner whose mistreatment of dogs is the deciding factor on whether any certain dog will bite or attack. When choosing a dog, families should consider the temperament, physical size, and exercise needs of the breeds they are considering. Researching the characteristics of the dogs the families are considering is a great way to ensure the families ends up with a dog that will complement their family environment and lifestyle. Sadly, taking the time to truly research a dog before it is bought is something that very few owners practice. The deciding factor on which dog to buy comes down to the appearance of the dog without any thought given to the resources and time requirement for the specific dog. Buying a dog because it looks cute when it is a puppy could result in a headache later. The cute little puppy can turn into a large dog that needs to be walked a couple of hours a week or a dog that has a compulsive need to chew on every piece of furniture inside the house. Individuals and families need to be realistic about how much time and money they can dedicate to a pet and the pets need. Similarly, buying a dog because it looks tough is a mistake that the dog ends up paying for in the future. Often times Pit bulls are only purchased because they look cool and somehow that coolness and toughness factor supposedly translates onto the owner. It’s these owners that have no regard for the dog or its need s. They only think of dogs as an accessory that elevates their status among their friends and social groups. Its owners like these that do more harm than good for Pit bulls. Pit bulls can and are good family dogs. Theyre awesome dogs as pets as long as the owner is responsible states Ashley Clark, a member of Saving Paws Animal Rescue of Kentucky (qtd. in Mayse). A key mistake committed by many owners is they don’t take the time to socialize their dogs, which is paramount for a healthy pet, both mentally and physically. As dog trainer Victoria Stillwell asserts in USA Today â€Å"A dog is a social animal, so lack of social interaction can seriously damage its psychological well being†. Dogs need to be taught how to interact with members of the family as well as with other pets and strangers. Yes, socializing a pet is a time consuming task but one that should not be avoided. To leave a dog to its own devices is doing a great disservice to them and to any potential victim of a poor socialized animal. Another huge error by the owner is not exercising their dog. We all have basic needs like food, water, and sleep. Exercise is a basic need for d ogs. Dogs will misbehave from lack of exercising. The misbehavior can come in the form of chewing, excessive barking, and acting aggressively. Leaving a dog in the house or in the backyard is not the equivalent of going for a walk or a run. When owners do this day in and day out, they are left with a dog that’s about to burst at the seams with energy. This is why potential owners have to be honest about how much time they can dedicate to their pets before they adopt or buy one. Victoria Stillwell states â€Å"Dont make the mistake of thinking that keeping your dog in your backyard most of the day will replace his natural need for stimulation and get you off the hook for not walking him. In fact, it almost always does more harm than good.†Owners that relegate their dogs to their backyards or tie them up while they are away at work are causing the problems. As owners we can’t leave our dogs unattended, without interaction for long periods of time. Regardless of breed, any dog that is subjected to these conditions will probably snap. When you have the combination of frustration buildup from being chained up, lack of social skills and pent up energy then that is a recipe for a dog bite or attack. Unfortunately the victims of this awful consequence are children most of the time as stated by Lisa M. Bernardo in the Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses â€Å"unintentional dog bite injury is the leading cause of death and disability among children†. Because of children’s small size they are not able to defend themselves when being attacked by dogs and when they are attacked they tend to be more severely injured than adults. With â€Å"49% of the injuries occurring in children less than 5 years old†(Bernardo), it seems that we as parents and adults should be moving towards a solution with more urgency and passion then is being shown. Unfortunately, we don’t pay attention until it’s too late, w hen a child has died because of their injuries or at the scene of the attack. When you have a strong powerful breed in the hands of a negligent, careless owner there is nothing but trouble. The mistreatment by owners of dogs is what causes not only pit bulls but also other breeds to bite. Leading expert in dog-bite law, attorney Kenneth Phillips tells â€Å"One of the most horrifying cases I’ve heard about was when a little Pomeranian, no more than five pounds, killed a six-week-old baby†(Bred for trouble). Even dogs that haven’t been bred or trained to attack can occasionally act aggressively toward people. Lisa Bernardo writes, â€Å" An 8 year-old male was distributing fliers in a trailer park when two Saint Bernard dogs ran out of a house and attacked him unprovoked†. What these two instances prove is that any dog can bite and attack; even Chihuahuas have been known to be protective of their owners and territory. While these are graphic examples, the public needs to be aware that this happens all over the United States. Dogs can and are unpredictable, at the blink of an eye they can react in a very primal manner. Once again this is where the researching of the right type of dog for your family comes into play. Lets practice some common sense when bringing a dog into our homes. Pits are not the only ones that bite, other breeds that send people to the emergency rooms are Rottweiler’s, Mastiff’s, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds and a few others. Out of all aggressive breeds the Pit bull are the ones that have been exploited the most. Yes, pits are naturally more aggressive you have to remember they were bred for fighting. This is the very reason is why Pits have become popular with people with low standards and no respect for dogs, people that take part in dog fighting. These individual are only interested in seeing bloodshed and ruthless destruction of lives. This has also led some to practice unhealthy breeding of Pits to make a quick buck. Pits natural strong disposition combined with careless inbreeding results in unbalanced pets. Even though Pits are perfectly capable of being a loving part of a family, they have a terrible reputation that has been perpetuated by irre sponsible owners. I personally have seen some of these no-license owners that keep pit bulls penned up and torture them to make them meaner for fights. The poor dog spends most of its time behind a poorly built pen that seemed to be thrown together at the last minute. This pen was built out of compressed board on three sides and the fourth side was the back wall of the house. The dog couldn’t see out at all and he was purposefully kept there so he would have no contact with people or other dogs except for the owner. Every now and then the dog would be crudely blindfolded and was poked at it with sticks to ensure the aggressiveness of the dog. If the dog looses a number of fights it is considered worthless and is given away or gets put to sleep usually after being denied food for a couple of days. To this individual, a Pit bull was and still is a profitable badass accessory to their gangster lifestyle. Like Gall Golab, Ph.D., D.V.M stated in Fighting Fido â€Å"Twenty years ago people thought Great Danes and German shepherds were dangerous, today, it’s Pit bulls and Rottweiler’s. If you ban one breed, the people who want an aggressive animal will simply find another breed in which to foster that quality†(Neil). Can you imagine what kind of dog the police force would be using now if the German shepherd had been banned twenty years ago? The statement made by Dr.Golab is one that needs to be repeated. The breed of the dog alone is not the deciding factor on whether a dog will snap and attack someone. It is a combination of reckless owners with under exercised, under socialized, and unbalanced dogs. As dog attacks seem to be on the rise some individuals in California and the United States have been calling for a ban on a specific breed. Claiming that these breeds are beyond reformation and help, they want to ban Pit bulls specifically. Currently â€Å"Ohio is the only state that declares a specific breed, pit bulls as vicious. That law was ruled unconstitutional in March by Ohios 6th District Court of Appeals in Toledo and is being appealed to the state Supreme Court†(Jones). While decreasing dog attacks is definitely a goal we should all be working towards I suggest that there are other options besides banning to this problem. Any breed-specific ban would be difficult to enforce. First of all, Pit bulls are not the only large and potentially dangerous dogs, so right of the bat a few breeds would need to be banned. Second, because there are so many mixed breed dogs, who determines what percentage of vicious dog gene is allowed in a mixed breed? Lastly, what about those Pit bull owners that treat their dogs good and have taken all precautions to ensure their pet is a loving and gentle dog? A specific ban would punish those that have done nothing wrong and have followed all the rules. Outlawing breeds believed to be vicious and dangerous is not a long-term solution. Besides not being realistic a ban is unfair as it places the entire blame on these breeds. A better solution would be to make it mandatory for every person or family wanting a dog to get a dog owner license. Without a license no dog of any kind would be bought, sold or adopted. When potential dog owners apply for their owner’s license they should be advised about the pros and cons about the br eed they are considering. It should be mandatory that these owners go to dog training/obedience classes with their new pets. This can be taken a step further by requiring that with a license a dog owner should also need insurance, like a car. This would mean many man-hours and an extensive effort by animal control officers and police but it’s a worthwhile expenditure that would save many lives and countless visits to the emergency room. This might sound like an impossible task but it would be the first step in the right direction. Instead of waiting for a dog to bite someone lets enforce current leash and muzzle laws, which are in many instances ignored. If no laws currently exist then new laws should be passed that hold owners responsible to a higher level than before. In Kansas City the City Council passed a law that will require all pit bulls to be spayed or neutered. This would be a good start for all other counties and cities that are seeing the number of attacks and bites rise. Kansas has even gone a bit farther by requiring that â€Å"breeders will have to install fencing and document who is buying the puppies†, says Councilman Bill Skaggs (qtd. in Jones). Dog breeders can still have a business but they should be monitored closely for a period of time. It should also be mandatory to have all puppies spayed and neutered, at the proper age, by their new owners if the dog is on the list as potentially dangerous. Another example of great laws being adopted comes from Illinois. Legislature was passed that states â€Å"Owners could face prison if they allow a vicious dog to run loose, or if they have not enclose, spayed or neutered and animal that injures or kills someone.†(Jones). Illinois also restricts felons right to own dangerous dogs and penalties for attending dogfights were increased. While going to prison because your dog is out and running the streets may at first seem a bit excessive. It would only be a matter of time of enforcing this law that we would get the desired results, owners acting responsible. If states like Illinois and Ohio can pass these laws than why can’t we adopt them with greater swiftness in our own state? Is it because it’s easier to point fingers and blame the dogs? Are we really that lazy that we would settle for the easiest, yet unfair solution called banning? Mandatory spaying and neutering would not only cut down on the inbreeding and over breeding of dogs like the Pits and make them less assessable to those that are prone to abuse them. This would also save money in the long run because this simple law means less unwanted dogs in animal shelters. What happens time and time again is people go out and buy a dog that they have not researched at all and when they realize that the dog is too much to handle they dispose of them by dropping them off at animal shelters. Currently many shelters euthanize all Pit bulls because they dont know whether the dogs have been trained to fight or attack. How sad, to know these dogs keep paying the price for selfish human behavior. A Pit bull will not bite or attack just because it’s a pit bull, after all the dog doesn’t know what breed it is. Like Shawn Webster states â€Å"I don’t think that genetics plays nearly the role in a dog’s behavior that socialization and training play†(qtd in Jones). A properly bred and raised Pit bull can be an excellent, docile pet. The key is having the right combination of healthy dog with owners that are mature and responsible and truly care for their pet; so these horrible child-killing dogs can and are loving pets, go figure. I can guarantee you for every horror story you hear in the news or read in the paper there is a happy, healthy Pit bull that is a great family dog. As stated by animal control officer, Ashley Clark â€Å"they are fine as pets†¦they are awesome dogs as pets as long as the owner is responsible†(Mayse). Psychologist Clive Wynne says â€Å"You can say that it’s not just a dog’s breed but also the character of its owner that make the dog aggressive.†(Vicious dogs have vicious owners). With these measures in place and enforced we could dramatically see the number of bites go down. Would this measure guarantee to stop those most responsible for vicious and out of control dogs? Maybe, maybe not, but instead of just complaining about this problem lets be proactive instead of just reactive. These laws can be a great deterrent for those who exploit the dogs and endanger the community, the pit bull owners who breed and sell out of their backyards, keep their dogs penned and chained in deplorable conditions and do nothing to train or socialize them Works Cited Bernardo, Lisa Marie, et al. Dog Bites in Children Treated in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses 5.2 (2000): 87. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. â€Å"Bred for trouble.†Good Housekeeping 235.4 (2002): 83. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. â€Å"Fatal Dog Attacks. Current Events 105.3 (2005): 4. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. Jones, Charisse â€Å"Laws address dogs’ potential for danger.†USA Today n.d.: MA Ultra-School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 6 Nov. 2009. Mayse, James Experts: Upbringing key for pit bulls: Dog came through fence, bit man last week. Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro, KY) (2006): Newspaper Source. EBSCO. Web. 6 Nov. 2009. Neil, Martha FIGHTING FIDO. ABA Journal 89.1 (2003): 26. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. Stilwell, Victoria Chaining dogs unleashes bad behavior. USA Today MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 17 Oct. 2009 â€Å"Vicious dogs have vicious owners. New Scientist 201.2704 (2009): 15. Academic Premier. EBSCO. Web. 18 Oct. 2009
Friday, September 20, 2019
Living At The Crossroads Book Review Religion Essay
Living At The Crossroads Book Review Religion Essay The book Living at the Crossroads, by Michael W. Goheen and Craig B. Bartholomew, provides insight into how to live a Christian life at a time in which the Christian worldview has been challenged by the tenets of what is called post-modernism. In this book, the term worldview is used to describe a belief system. That is, what an individual or group of individuals believes as to how and why the world functions, and what the goals of the worlds existence should be. In this way, the worldview of a social community is the way in which this group of people characteristically look outward upon the universe. Worldview is linked especially to the way people in a particular society, such as Christian society; see themselves in relation to God, humanity and the rest of the universe. Although there are different worldviews in our society today, the Christian worldview has come under increasing social pressure to change. This book provides Christians with a path towards understanding their role in society and to help us live faithfully as Christians at the crossroads. Despite our place at the crossroads, Goheen and Bartholomew also demonstrate that Christians need to be able to remember their roots in faith. The role of the Lord Jesus Christ is to reclaim the whole world as His kingdom. This means that our faith in salvation can result in the restoration of the whole of Gods good creation on earth, and His works in Heaven. Goheen and Bartholomew tell their readers that the Gospel as it is recorded in Scripture can been seen to be as broad as creation. Since the gospel is about Gods rule over all of creation, all nations, and all of human life, therefore the mission of Jesus followers is also as wide as creation itself. We as Christians have therefore been engaged as witnesses to the gospel in all of public life business, economics, scholarship, politics, family, criminal justice, art, media and every corner of human experience throughout the world. The challenge, however, is that there are forces working against this role for Christians in our society today. Post-modernism, according to Goheen and Bartholomew, is a term used often in our society today. It is linked to the idea that relative truth is the prevailing issue of the day. Post-modernism says that moral and religions truth do not exist in any objective sense, that individual persons are the product of their cultures, and that we must, as a global society, reject any overarching explanation of what constitutes truth and reality. This means that the Bible should no longer be used as a guide for living our lives as Christians because of the fact that there are other people and cultures which prove that God could mean something different than what we believe. Because of this threat, God has commanded His people to organize themselves into distinct visible communities. The purpose is for giving visibility to His great Kingdom, making known the Gospel of that kingdom, and of gathering all His elect subjects. Each one of these distinctive organized communities are faithful to God represents an integral part of the visible church, and all together constitutes the universal visible church. As a whole, we need to understand our mission. To achieve this goal, we also need to become aware of our own assumptions as Christians by reflecting on three parts of knowing the Bible, namely (1) giving summary expression to the grand story; (2) lifting out the fundamental beliefs of that story; (3) articulating and explicating those beliefs. This is what worldview reflection is concerned to do (Goheen and Bartholomew 26). By doing so, Goheen and Bartholomew state that this formula can be applied to their two narratives, the Biblical story and the Western story. This means that by looking at the story of humanity seen through the eyes of Christianity, and also seen through the eyes of Western culture, we can begin to understand what is happening at the crossroads. In understanding the differences between these two points of view, we can act to protect the Christian faith from a hostile worldview over the long term. Goheen and Bartholomew make three distinctions between the Christian and the Western worldviews. The first distinction is that the Christian worldview is at first religious, while the Western worldview is linked to what is called rational thought. The idea of rationalism is linked to systems theory, in that there is a focus on evolution and the ways in which human society has changed over time. The Renaissances secular humanism and the shift to a focus on science during the Enlightenment period acted to split apart the connection between the gospel and humanism. Over time, this led to a conversion of Western society from a faith in the church to a faith in reason, in that Western society believed that the world would be bettered through science and reason. The second distinction between the Christian and the Western worldviews is that the Christian worldview is first a story, not a system. A Christian worldview demonstrates that there is a deeper meaning that can be reached through faith. As Goheen and Bartholomew write, It certainly is true that Jesus death is for us, but this is too narrow a version of the truth. In the biblical drama Jesus dies for the whole world, for every part of human life, for the whole nonhuman creation. The cross is an event whereby the course of cosmic history is settled (56). This means that instead of focusing on the structure of society and the possibility of whether or not there is a God, like the Western worldview, the Christian worldview allows the faithful to discover meaning in life through the narrative of the Bible and its teachings. The third distinction between the Christian and the Western worldviews is that the Christian worldview is first embodied, and then articulated, according to Goheen and Bartholomew. What this means is that we, as Christians, must first live a life of God before moving towards ministry. On an individual level in our walk with Christ, there really is only one goal: to be Christ-like. Ministry is only born out of our love for Christ and our desire to be transformed into His image. If there were no love for Christ, we would have nothing to give and would not have the staying power to finish the race. God is the Creator and Maker of all things and he so desires to manifest Himself and demonstrate how much he really loves us. As well, He is revealing Himself in new, fresh and exciting ways in these days we live in where we are presented with the challenges of living at the crossroads. It is only after understanding these ideas, however, that we as Christians can come together to articulate the work of God as a community. Overall, this means that, as Goheen and Bartholomew note, the very core of human life is religious. This means that not only is we as human beings dependent on and related to God, but that our lives should incorporate a constant response to God and His will for humanity. It is not difficult to figure out how to accomplish this task. Goheen and Bartholomew write that the Gospel is the message of the kingdomà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The good news that Jesus announces and enacts, and that the church is commissioned to embody and make known, is the Gospel of the kingdom. We make a grave mistake if we ignore this, the central image of Jesus proclamation and ministry (2). Through the Gospel, we can work our way towards salvation, which is the way that God will be able to reclaim His creation, namely the community of Christian faithful. In this way, Goheen and Bartholomew demonstrate that those who do not serve God are in fact idolatrous. Western culture, with its focus on consumerism and post-structuralism, suffers from idolatry because of the fact that these people serve a leader other than God. Over the last fifty years, the development of consumerism via new methods of advertising, media, and cultural shifts has had an increasing impact on our society, and especially on those most vulnerable to influence, children. We are bombarded with images throughout the day, from television and Internet advertising to billboards and radio spots. We are encouraged to association consumption with cultural events and holidays that were formerly Christian holy days of prayer and contemplation. This intersection of consumer media in our lives has changed the ways in which we see the world, but it has also had a definitive impact on our personal habits and our spiritual health, which is why it is important to show the difference between the Western culture focus on consumer goods and the Christian focus on Gods law. These changes in our global society have led to a shift towards an unhealthy move away from the message of God. This means that we, as Christians, cannot allow those living under the Western culture have the final say on the agenda and interests of Christians today. Because of the fact that we are called to be faithful to God, we need to focus on Gods word rather than that of those who live outside of the Christian faith. At the same time, Goheen and Bartholomew write that faithfulness to the Gospel can be very costly and that suffering can come to be the result of a missionary encounter with the idolatrous powers of society as whole. The move towards what is known as secular and rationalistic humanism in Europe and other northern regions of the world has only led to the dilution and destruction of Christianity. For this reason, the only way to ensure that Christianity is maintained is through faithfulness to the Gospel. One of the most significant things that is pointed out by Goheen and Bartholomew is that the shift towards post-modernism and idolatry within traditionally Christian communities in Europe and other northern regions of the world has allowed for the rise of Islam. Part of the reason for this shift is due to the fact that Islam offers people a deep sense of community where religion and way of life are connected. Law is fundamentally important to the Muslim people and their community governance because it is treated as a way of being, rather than a legal or religious structure that is separate from other aspects of life and the Quran is its defining symbol of identity. As such, evaluation of and adherence to Islamic law has shaped the political, economic and social standards of Islamic Empires throughout history. The scope of Islam has changed because of the necessity of protecting its followers right to practice the religion, and therefore the concept of uniting and increasing Muslim te rritory through Jihad, which is mentioned as the only acceptable form of warfare. In doing so, the Islamic world forced the home of Christianity to Rome, thus essentially Europeanizing the Christian faith. This was a massive social shift, and signalled a new face of power within Europe and Asia. At the present day, this shift is beginning to be felt on a larger scale. In order for Islamic communities to thrive and get along, they follow common rules by which they have agreed to operate, based on religious tradition alone. As noted by Goheen and Bartholomew, the Islamic political and legal system is seen as inseparable from other aspects of life, and it gives a world-view, a vision, and a set of values, and leaves enough room to work out details for different situations under the guidance of its religious leaders. The challenge is that Islam is becoming stronger because it has developed a culturalist reaction against Western cultural values. The Muslim viewpoint of the West is that it is against its own collectivist worldview, because in Western culture, individuals care nothing for those around them, and seek only for self-gratification. At the same time, Western culture is also perceived to be imposing its worldview on other societies, such as Islamic countries. The West is , in this way, linked to the idea of protecting the survival of the fittest, while Islam is linked to the idea of protecting the interests of its internal religious community. For these reasons, Goheen and Bartholomew note that there needs to be a Christian empathy for the way in which Islam is responding to the individualist approach of Western communities. Islamic regions of the world are turning to fundamentalist practices as a way in which to balance out economic and social challenges between themselves and Western culture, and in this way restore order and justice to their communities. The fundamental challenge in the conflict between Muslim and Western thought is therefore not so much who people are and what they believe in, but what they are perceived to be and what they represent for each other on a cultural basis. In this way, Goheen and Bartholomew suggest that Christians need to be aware of these social dynamics on a global basis, and find our own way of challenging the force of secularism which is damaging our culture. In this way, the resurgence of Islam becomes a prophetic challenge to Christians to recover the full dimensions of their faith (Goheen and Bartholomew 124). In the end, we, as Christians, need to follow the recommendations of Goheen and Bartholomew in order to develop a comprehensive approach to cultural engagement. First, we need to be able to recognize that because Jesus Christ is Creator and Redeemer of all things, our collective Christian approach to salvation can be both restorative and comprehensive. In moving toward a kingdom of God, the Church is called to witness to this comprehensive salvation. The Gospel is, in this way, the only means of transforming human life for the better. If we do not work towards these goals in this way, Goheen and Bartholomew warn Christians that we will become a minority community in the world. Although, in remaining faithful, we may experience some degree of conflict and suffering as a community, we must understand that this will allow for restoration though Gods love. Our mission is linked to that of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Goheen and Bartholomew demonstrate that in order to complete this mission, we also need to make its goals clear to our young people who want to profess their faith through education. We must also incorporate our faith into every act or work that we do, through our professions. This may be challenging because of the fact that, in the Western culture in which we live, the word of God may call forth opposition, conflict, and rejection. At the same time, this approach will ensure that God and his faithful will be able to work towards on the final day when the Lord returns in glory to help us all realize our eternal life with Him.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Freaks of the Core :: Essays Papers
Freaks of the Core Wherein lies the odd attraction and power of the freakish? Just as often as it introduces us to expressions of common human experience, study in the Humanities also introduces us to the decidedly uncommon--to writers, artists and thinkers who push conventional limits of language and narrative, vision and imagination, memory and history, or logic and rationality. For our Freaks of the Core colloquium, we explored the outer limits of human expression and experience. What, we asked, defines the abnormal or the outlandish? the fanatical or heretical? the illusory or the grotesque? Why are we commonly drawn to the very uncommon? "Nothing, indeed, is more revolting," wrote Thomas De Quincey in his famously freaky Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, "than the spectacle of a human being obtruding on our notice his moral ulcers or scars, and tearing away that 'decent drapery' which time, or indulgence to human frailty, may have drawn over them" (1).[1] But De Quincey chose to tear away tha t drapery in his Confessions nevertheless, believing that his outlandish experiences with addiction, poverty and illusion would teach his readers valuable lessons that outweighed any offense. "In that hope it is that I have drawn this up," wrote De Quincey, "and that must be my apology for breaking through that delicate and honorable reserve, which, for the most part, restrains us from the public exposure of our own infirmities" (1). The essays below also tear away the "decent drapery" which covers the sometimes unsightly extremes of human experience, and they do so with similar hopes and reasons. Kimberly Tsau, for example, follows De Quincey's lead in her analysis of T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land, suggesting that among the violence, apathy, and disjointedness of the poem is a call to face and learn from suffering. Her essay, "Hanging in a Jar," examines how Eliot collects a variety of "cultural memories," cutting and pasting them together to form a collection that is both terrifying and edifying. In "Per Repitio Nos Studiare: The Struggles of Abraham and God," Ryan Priester also explores how one learns through repeated suffering. Instead of examining human apathy or submission in the face of pain, however, his examination of the binding of Isaac introduces us to the role of human rebellion and resistance. Both The Waste Land and the relationship between Abraham and God revolve around the human response to excess and extremity.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Cat Walk :: essays research papers
â€Å"Oh my God! It is awfully dark!†screamed Britney as she tried to quickly make her way through the incinerator. She felt a brisk chill on the back of her neck as she heard her predator drawing closer and closer. Her body quickly stopped as she slammed into the catwalk railing. Her heart was pounding and her feet staggered as she pulled her body up the 50 foot catwalk. The stairway started to sway as the person following walked onto the steps. Britney kept running into cold metal as the catwalk twisted and turned around the building. She figured she must be getting near the stairs when she felt a violently stern hand grab her neck. The man had caught her and she lost her breath. Desperately screaming, he picked her up by her hair and her legs, and lifted her up over the railing. Britney tried to grab for anything as she fell. He heard her scream, then a blood curdling snap, and then silence It is 9:45 a.m. when Anthony Streets arrived at the Glen Oak Recycling center. Police and forensics already made their way through the incinerator, checking the smoke stacks, burning pits, control rooms, and machinery for clues. â€Å"Take a break, guys. Let me have a look around for awhile.†This was Anthony’s first case on his own, since his 15 year partner had died unexpectedly. â€Å"Mr. Streets. The girl worked here on weekends. She was 26, from California. We already contacted the family. Three other people used their key cards yesterday; Betty Thompson, Chris Moore, and Devon Moore. All are on their way here. Betty Thompson and Chris Moore were on the time sheet to work yesterday.†â€Å"Thank you Officer Becker. Now please ask your men to give me my space. Thank you.†Anthony examined the place of death first. It was obvious that Britney fell, by the way her neck was broken and by the way she was sprawled on the icy concrete floor. Blood was smeared, so he could tell the murderer touched the body to make sure she was dead, but there were no fingerprints found. He then went to search the cat walk. As Anthony attempted to ascend the catwalk, he felt a cold hand touch his shoulder. â€Å"Excuse me , are you a cop? The police department called me down here. What is going on?†As Anthony caught his breath, he asked, â€Å"And you would be who?†â€Å"The name is Moore.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
IJARAH – (Lease to Own) In mode of financing, lease is simply a transaction in which transfer of a property from one person to another person for an agreed time period on rental basis. Ijarah is an Islamic leasing contract, representing one of the most common modes of Islamic finance currently practice. Its popularity is due to strong parallel to convential leasing concept. The process of ‘Ijarah’ is very simple and easy to understand. This has been derived from the Arabic term â€Å"Ujr†or â€Å"Ujrat†which means ‘consideration' or ‘return' or ‘wages'.In simple words ‘Ijarah’ defines; contract of hiring, renting and leasing. This mode of financing is use in case of equipment as well as property. This mode of financing is better for both lessee and lessor. According to Islamic Shariah based rule, Ijarah is an agreement between the two parties (Lessor and Lessee. In this mode of financing; an owner (Lessor) transfers i ts usufruct to Lessee for an agreed time period on contract basis. In return, lessee obligation is to pay specific rent or rental for a fixed period. Period of lease and rental determined at the time of agreement.In Pakistan, this mode of transaction gained popularity to purchase car. Several products have been introduced by banks and institution to facilitate customers and provide car on affordable prices and rental prices. Key words 1. The Lessor (Mujjir) – The individual or organization who leases out/rents out the property or service is called the Lessor. 2. The lessee: (Mustajir) – The individual or organization who hires/takes the lease of the property or service against the consideration rent/wages/remuneration is called the lessee (Mustajir). . The Benefit (Maajur) – The benefit that is leased/rented out is called the benefit (Maajur). 4. The rent (Aj'r or Ujrat) – The consideration either in monetary terms or in quantity of goods fixed to be paid against the benefit of the goods or service is called the rent or Ujrat or Aj'r. Some important aspects of Ijarah Financing †¢ Subject of lease should be clearly defines in the agreement with the mutually understanding of the both parties. †¢ At the time of Ijarah transaction, asset or equipment in the ownership of the lessor. Only consumable items are permissible to lease out. Non consumable items are strictly prohibited to lease out. Example: Money, Wheat. E. g †¢ Duration of lease must be mentioned clearly in the agreement. †¢ Lessee acts as an ‘Ameen’. In case of any damage to asset will be borne by the lessee. On the other hand, any other loss or harm outside the control of the lessee, lessor is liable. †¢ Rent should be known at the time of contract. The lessor can not increase the rent unilaterally. Rent will start after the delivery of the asset. Process Flow 1.In first step customer find the bank with the request for financing and ente rs into an agreement with the bank. 2. The Bank buys an item (car or equipment) from the vendor. 3. Bank takes delivery of the car and title of ownership from the vendor. 4. The bank makes payment to vendor. 5. The bank signs the agreement of lease with the customer and transfer usufruct. 6. The customer makes periodic rental payment as per the contract. 7. According to the agreement, at the time of maturity customer can purchase the asset from the bank with the help of separate agreement.Only Difference 1. In sale transaction, title of property usually transferred to buyer. 2. But in case of Ijarah, title remains with the lessor. 3. Only the use of the property is transferred to the lessee. 4. Lessee pays rent to the lessor as per as the agreement. 5. At the time of maturity bank signed another agreement with the lessee and lessor gift the asset to the customer. After this transaction, lessee becomes the owner of the asset. This practice is known as â€Å" Ijarah – Wal â₠¬â€œ Iqtina â€Å" Basic Elements of Ijarah AgreementAccording to Shariah, there are three general terminology used for Ijarah agreement as follows: 1. Wording of the agreement: Offer and acceptance word must be included in the agreement. 2. Contracting Parties: This includes a Lessor, the owner of the property, and a lessee, the party that benefits from the use of the property. 3. Subject matter of the contract: This includes the rent and the benefit. Rent Calculation 1. Islamic banks calculate the cost of purchasing the asset that is to be leased and intend to earn an amount equal to the rate of interest. . Agreement between the parties provides that the rental will be equal to the rate of interest or in addition to something. 3. While the rate of interest is variable, it cannot be set for the whole duration of the lease. 4. It is permissible to divide the cost price of the Asset and ownership of the Lessor to the Asset into several parts and to sell each part of ownership on pay ment of proportionate price/equity of the Lessor under a separate sale contract. Ijaraha IJARAH – (Lease to Own) In mode of financing, lease is simply a transaction in which transfer of a property from one person to another person for an agreed time period on rental basis. Ijarah is an Islamic leasing contract, representing one of the most common modes of Islamic finance currently practice. Its popularity is due to strong parallel to convential leasing concept. The process of ‘Ijarah’ is very simple and easy to understand. This has been derived from the Arabic term â€Å"Ujr†or â€Å"Ujrat†which means ‘consideration' or ‘return' or ‘wages'.In simple words ‘Ijarah’ defines; contract of hiring, renting and leasing. This mode of financing is use in case of equipment as well as property. This mode of financing is better for both lessee and lessor. According to Islamic Shariah based rule, Ijarah is an agreement between the two parties (Lessor and Lessee. In this mode of financing; an owner (Lessor) transfers i ts usufruct to Lessee for an agreed time period on contract basis. In return, lessee obligation is to pay specific rent or rental for a fixed period. Period of lease and rental determined at the time of agreement.In Pakistan, this mode of transaction gained popularity to purchase car. Several products have been introduced by banks and institution to facilitate customers and provide car on affordable prices and rental prices. Key words 1. The Lessor (Mujjir) – The individual or organization who leases out/rents out the property or service is called the Lessor. 2. The lessee: (Mustajir) – The individual or organization who hires/takes the lease of the property or service against the consideration rent/wages/remuneration is called the lessee (Mustajir). . The Benefit (Maajur) – The benefit that is leased/rented out is called the benefit (Maajur). 4. The rent (Aj'r or Ujrat) – The consideration either in monetary terms or in quantity of goods fixed to be paid against the benefit of the goods or service is called the rent or Ujrat or Aj'r. Some important aspects of Ijarah Financing †¢ Subject of lease should be clearly defines in the agreement with the mutually understanding of the both parties. †¢ At the time of Ijarah transaction, asset or equipment in the ownership of the lessor. Only consumable items are permissible to lease out. Non consumable items are strictly prohibited to lease out. Example: Money, Wheat. E. g †¢ Duration of lease must be mentioned clearly in the agreement. †¢ Lessee acts as an ‘Ameen’. In case of any damage to asset will be borne by the lessee. On the other hand, any other loss or harm outside the control of the lessee, lessor is liable. †¢ Rent should be known at the time of contract. The lessor can not increase the rent unilaterally. Rent will start after the delivery of the asset. Process Flow 1.In first step customer find the bank with the request for financing and ente rs into an agreement with the bank. 2. The Bank buys an item (car or equipment) from the vendor. 3. Bank takes delivery of the car and title of ownership from the vendor. 4. The bank makes payment to vendor. 5. The bank signs the agreement of lease with the customer and transfer usufruct. 6. The customer makes periodic rental payment as per the contract. 7. According to the agreement, at the time of maturity customer can purchase the asset from the bank with the help of separate agreement.Only Difference 1. In sale transaction, title of property usually transferred to buyer. 2. But in case of Ijarah, title remains with the lessor. 3. Only the use of the property is transferred to the lessee. 4. Lessee pays rent to the lessor as per as the agreement. 5. At the time of maturity bank signed another agreement with the lessee and lessor gift the asset to the customer. After this transaction, lessee becomes the owner of the asset. This practice is known as â€Å" Ijarah – Wal â₠¬â€œ Iqtina â€Å" Basic Elements of Ijarah AgreementAccording to Shariah, there are three general terminology used for Ijarah agreement as follows: 1. Wording of the agreement: Offer and acceptance word must be included in the agreement. 2. Contracting Parties: This includes a Lessor, the owner of the property, and a lessee, the party that benefits from the use of the property. 3. Subject matter of the contract: This includes the rent and the benefit. Rent Calculation 1. Islamic banks calculate the cost of purchasing the asset that is to be leased and intend to earn an amount equal to the rate of interest. . Agreement between the parties provides that the rental will be equal to the rate of interest or in addition to something. 3. While the rate of interest is variable, it cannot be set for the whole duration of the lease. 4. It is permissible to divide the cost price of the Asset and ownership of the Lessor to the Asset into several parts and to sell each part of ownership on pay ment of proportionate price/equity of the Lessor under a separate sale contract.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Earthquake Assignment
Earth Science 1 October 29, 2012 Homework Assignment 1. Explain how you should react or what you should do when you feel an earthquake if you find yourself in each of the following scenarios. Do not exceed the space provided. a) Indoors: I will stay calm and drop to the ground. I will take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. I will hold on until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near me, I will cover my face and head with my arms and crouch in the corner of the building. b) Outdoors: I will move away from building, streetlights, and utility wire. If I’m in the open I will stay there until the shaking stops. c) In a moving vehicle: I will stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. I will avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires. I will proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. I will avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake. d) Trapped under debris: I will not light a match or move about or kick up dust. I will cover my mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. I will tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate me. I will Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause me to inhale dangerous amounts of dust. 2. What are the main things that you should do after an earthquake hits in the area where you are staying? In particular, discuss what you should do if you find yourself in each of the following scenarios. Do not exceed the space provided. ) Aftershock: When it is safe to move, I will exit my home. I will help my neighbors who may need assistance. I will give first aid when appropriate. I will not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury & call for help. * b) Tsunami: I will go to a designated public shelter if I have been told to evacuate or if I feel it is unsafe to remain in my home. I will text SHELTER + my zip code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest she lter in my area (example: shelter 12345). c) Electrical system damage: I will not stand in water. If safe to do so, I will turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If the situation is unsafe, I will leave my home and call for help. * d) Gas leakages: If I smell gas or hear a hissing or blowing sound, I will open a window and leave immediately. If I can, I will turn off the main gas valve from the outside & call the gas company from a neighbor’s residence.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Texts in Time Essay Orwell’s 1984 and the Matrix
Texts in their Time essay A text is a mirror for the concerns of a time and place. Orwell’s â€Å"1984†and the Wachowski brother’s â€Å"Matrix†can be viewed as a mirror into the concerns of a time and place. â€Å"1984†depicts how a hierarchical world tyranny is set up, how it stays in power, how it treats people and what life is like living under such a system. The â€Å"matrix†is also a representation of how the world as ‘we’ know it can be manipulated into the unknown or changed to suit the ideology of one higher power.The matrix is also seen as a situation that the majority of human kind cannot relate to; it is a scenario that is not only out of their control but a scenario that the average human cannot comprehend it goes beyond a control system that the average human brain cannot relate to. The matrix brings forward concepts that do not play to everyday life. Orwell vision of 1984 was shaped by his experiences though out his time as a volunteer in the Spanish civil war and upon returning to Britain post-war when the country was a place of shortages and rationing.Orwell struggled against fascism, but was intent on destroying its anarchist and Trotskyist allies. The defeat of fascism involved the success of and the emergence of the USSR as a great power. Orwell was deeply concerned about this fact. Orwell remained a believer in the fundamental goodness of the â€Å"common people†, the workers or â€Å"proles†. Due to Orwell’s personal circumstances, his fading life expectancy from tuberculosis may have influenced the bleak creation of the world that is â€Å"1984†. â€Å"1984†is a text which depicts the story of Winston smith who is a common man or a member of the outer party in the hierarchy of the ‘big brother’ system.The â€Å"1984†world is a totalitarian society where the party or big brother tries to control everything, including thought a nd emotion. Big brother is a dictator ship which controls every movement in society through constant surveillance and harsh penalties for noncompliance such as torcher or death. Big Brother is the face of the party; the party is the very dedicated dictator ship which has complete control over Oceania during the war with Eastasia and Eurasia. Big brothers slogans are repetitive and contradictory; WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.Newspeak is the official language of Oceania which had been created to meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc. Ingsoc created newspeak to eventually fade out free thought, with newspeak no man or woman could commit thought crime and no person would be able to attempt to break up the party that is big brother. All words are groupings in newspeak. All concepts of liberty and equality, for instance, are all contained in the single word of ‘crimethink’, while all words grouping themselves round the concepts of objectivity and rationalism were contained in the single word of ‘oldthink’.The Wachowski brother’s â€Å"Matrix†is a post-modern text which was filmed in 1999. The matrix is part of the I. T. revolution created to depict the perfect world. The matrix is about a computer hacker ‘Neo’ who is forced into the realisation of the matrix, the matrix was created to imprison you in the massive artificial intelligence system which has tapped into people’s minds and created the illusion of a real world, while using their brains and bodies for energy.Morpheus is convinced neo is the is â€Å"the one†who can destroy the matrix and bring his people to both physical and psychological freedom. The matrix can be described as a window into the reality of the spiritual world where as humans cannot understand yet we make assumptions about a higher power this can be linked with Orwell’s 1984 with the concept of ‘big brother’ with the matrix is described as an illusion of the physical world which can be controlled through the thought of neo as he is â€Å"the one†.In the matrix and Orwell’s 1984 the futures depicted are similar yet vastly different, the matrix depicts the future as a horrible emotionless place which has very little hope for humanity, whereas Orwell’s 1984 the future still has a bleak outline but through manipulation of the language the people have no idea how to realise that their future is bleak and or domed where as if the party was to diminish the people due to the fascist ways of big brother normal society would not be able to function as the big brother system had desterilised common knowledge of life without I higher power.To conclude I believe that Orwell’s 1984 and the Matrix have been a great comparative study.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Determination of Quinine in Tonic Water Essay
i. The selectivity of fluorimetry is greater than that of absorption spectrophotometry as it depends on excitation, absorption and emission spectra. As for fluorimetry, when molecule absorbs radiation and become excited, fluorimetry detects the intensity of light emitted from the molecule returns to ground state from excited state. Fluorescence is good at rigid molecules as it absorbs UV radiation. When two compounds are excited at the same wavelength radiation, they would emit different wavelength radiation as different compound has its unique spectrum. ii. Second, the sensitivity of fluorescence is greater than absorption spectrophotometry. As for absorption spectrophotometry, the concentration is directly proportional to the absorbance. However, in fluorimetry, concentration is directly related to the luminescent radiant power which is measured against a very small background. Moreover, flourimetry is easier to measure the small difference. Disadvantages: i. Quenching is resulted in a variety of processes such as excited state reactions, energy transfer, complex formation and collisional quenching occur. This will decreases the fluorescence intensity of a given substance and affects the experimental result. ii. Standard solutions or the fluorescent cells may be contaminated, leading to absorption some energy of the incident radiation and transmitted radiation. It will interfere the experimental results. iii. The reflection or scattering of the incident or transmitted radiation in the fluorescent cell may influence the accuracy of the intensity of the fluorescent. iv. Fluorescent substance will undergo decomposition in fluorimetry which is related to the solvent which control the pH, temperature and pressure interfering the excitation-relaxation fluorescence process. The line will be broadened and fused together to give a less structured spectrum in the presence of solvent. 2. Define the term â€Å"quantum efficiency†for fluorescence processes. How does temperature affect quantum efficiency? â€Å"Quantum efficiency†for fluorescence processes is the ratio of the number of molecules that luminescence to the total number of excited molecules. For some species which do not have propriety of fluorescent, the quantum efficiency will approach to zero. The quantum efficiency of a highly fluorescent molecule may approach unity under certain conditions. The quantum efficiency of fluorescence in a lot of molecules will decrease with increasing temperature. It is because the kinetic energy of the molecules and hence the frequency of collisions will be increased with increasing temperature. Some molecules will convert the excitation energy to heat instead of emitting light. So the number of molecules emits fluorescence and hence the fluorescence intensity will be decreased. Result: A calibration curve with fluorescent intensity against concentration of quinine hydrochloride in ppm was plotted by using least square method. The least square equation of the calibration curve is y = 3629. 7x – 12. 157. From this equation, the amount of quinine hydrochloride in the sample was calculated to be 78. 645 ppm. Conclusion: The least square equation of the calibration curve was y = y = 3629. 7x – 12. 157 and by calculation, the amount of quinine hydrochloride in Schweppes tonic water was 78. 645 ppm. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the limit of quinine content in tonic water is 83 ppm. The quinine concentration in Schweppes has not exceeded the limit.
Cardiovascular control in exercise, the contribution of central command and muscle afferents
Cardiovascular control in exercise, the contribution of central command and muscle afferents Cardiovascular Control in Exercise, the contribution of Central Command and Muscle Afferents The human body has the ability to easily adapt when exercise begins with many of these adaptations occurring in the cardiovascular system. It is well documented that at the onset of exercise heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and muscle sympathetic nerve activity progressively increase to higher levels (Lind et al, 1964). These cardiovascular adaptations are controlled by either central (Central Command) or peripheral (exercise pressor reflex) mechanisms (McCloskey results from a study by Williamson et al (2002) have shown this through hypnosis. Originally an individual’s perceived exertion during exercise was thought to be independent of any force being produced, allowing the magnitude of CC to be seen (Gandevia et al, 1993). Williamson et al (2002) obtained results related to this idea; they found that the level of CC activated was related to an individual’s sense of effo rt independently of any force being produced. Increases in HR were found during hypnosis despite no exercise being performed and increases were therefore independent of feedback from afferents within the active limb.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Body Image and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Body Image and Identity - Essay Example This makes quality interpersonal communication untenable and thus hinders the overall development of the personality. Another important issue that factors in good interpersonal communication is self awareness, which is, how well the person knows their own self. The statement that she makes about herself, "If only I weren't so fat, I could find clothes to fit me like normal people do", shows how she considers herself abnormal. Her experiences as an overweight child and the messages that she has received from the society have affected her temperament and have made her a shy person further deterring her from building good interpersonal skills. Reece seems to also have a hidden fear of facing and expressing her feelings, this fear makes her to shut out her friends during the 'fat days' when she is striving to attain her perceived ideal looks. Instead of making conversation she says "Leave me alone" and leaves the table leaving her friends behind. This prevents her from accepting professional advice or even encouragement and comfort from her friends. In order to improve her interpersonal communication, Reece should focus on her self-concept. By developing a positive self concept her communication will also improve. According to William Schutz, communication fulfills the three basic needs of inclusion, control and affection. By being aware of her needs, Reece can open up to her friends instead of shutting them out and thus open a channel of communication, which can lead to better self awareness and correct her skewed body image. This will also take care of the hidden issue of facing her feelings and her fear of expression. Reece sends negative messages to herself at every turn which further strengthens her unhealthy self-concept. When she looks in the mirror, her mind throws a message at her saying "you are fat, fat, fat". These messages contain ideas about her perceived unattractiveness and a discriminating society. These messages are probably the echo of her previous experiences and thoughts that were passed on to her through media and influential people in her life. Reece can make a conscious effort to send positive images to herself. This exercise will aid the unlearning of ideas she has already woven into her personality and make it easier to transform her body image and identity, and thus improve her communication. In order to do this she should also consciously isolate distorted feedback that the other person sends during conversations. By doing so Reece can prevent further damage to her body image. This means that she should be aware of the responses from people and be able to determine which o nes will influence her and which ones she should ignore while trying to understand in which way she has stimulated that kind of response. Both verbal and non verbal communication plays a role in how others respond to us. It is important to consider posture, gestures and facial expressions while evaluating responses. Effective solution to interpersonal communication involves two persons. There are two major concerns in interpersonal communication, self awareness, which we already discussed, and knowledge of the other person we are communicating with. When there is a higher degree of uncertainty about the responses to be expected from the other person the communication is not open and there is very little self disclosure. This leads the person to become
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Advancements to allow fast HPLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Advancements to allow fast HPLC - Essay Example One of the major domains of chemistry that promises lots of advancements due to extensive research is Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the analysis of the chemical nature of matter. Analysis of chemical composition of matter is the supporting pillar to the development of any new product or structure. The collective term used for the various laboratory procedures available to separate matter into its constituent compositions to analyze their chemical nature is known as Chromatography. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a type of Column Chromatography, which is used to separate a mixture into its constituent components with the use of chemical interactions. A series of chemical interactions are used in between the substance of subject and the chromatography column.Although the concept of Liquid Chromatography dates back to 1940s, the path breaking research, in the field of HPLC is being carried out on a large scale even t oday. More samples of matter are being analyzed for their chemical behavior than ever before in the recent times. Chemists, researchers and pharmaceutical companies need to perform chromatography on large quantities of samples. The call of the day is to speed up the process of HPLC while at the same time not forsake its accuracy. The solution is to speed up the process of HPLC by a magnitude. This process known as Fast HPLC is a boon to all people and organizations concerned. The most common principle behind Fast HPLC is rapid analysis using short columns. The particles filled in the columns are also short. Various developments are taking place in the HPLC technology to aid Fast HPLC and in all cases it is observed that Fast HPLC operate nearly five times faster while at the same time not sacrificing performance, reliability and simplicity. This report aims to enumerate the various developments that are being carried out in the field of HPLC that aid Fast HPLC. The HPLC process is described with relevant terms. Several research works being carried out are explained with the intended purpose of the research. Particular topics covered in this report include advancements in monolithic columns, small particle columns and high pressure and high temperature modes and relevant developments in other methods. The report aims at understanding the advantages brought about by these advancements in the field of HPLC. Specific concentration of the report is the developments in the field of columns used in HPLC. An analysis is made as to how, advances in the columns speeds up the process of chromatography. The applications of these developments are enumerated and an analysis is provided as to how the modern developments have changed the way the process is conducted. [1][2][3] Etc. The Process The performance of HPLC is affected by a number of factors. The most important among the factors are 'Column Efficiency', 'Performance of Mobile Phase', 'Performance of Stationary Phase', 'Injectors', 'Pumps', 'Detectors', 'Columns and Column Packing' and 'Automation'. Advancements in several of these factors have led to the development of Fast HPLC. Advancements: Fast HPLC Monolithic columns: A method popularly used as a separation media for liquid chromatography has been that of monolithic stationary phases and columns. These have not taken much time to become popular however some of their features have yet to be clearly studied. Researchers comment that chromatographic behavior of these columns should be studied along with their physico-chemical and structural properties to attain progress in their design and production. Recently a technique known as fast high performance LC is becoming popular for laboratory. Here shorter columns that have higher flow rates are used thereby analysis time is
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