Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Gonorrhea Disease A Sexually Transmitted Disease Essay
The leading cause of the disease Gonorrhea is the proliferation of the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known as gonococci or gonococcus. This bacterium is a gram-negative diplococcus, meaning it has a thin peptidogylcan layer in its cell wall and it is spherical in shape and found in pairs. The organism is usually found in the cell in a phagocytic leukocyte, with various nuclei shapes. Because the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae is found within a phagocytic white blood cell, it is unknown whether or not the bacteria is in the process of being killed or if they survive indefinitely. Neisseria gonorrhoeae is reported and notified as one of the most common bacterium affecting the reproductive system in humans. While Gonorrhea is a†¦show more content†¦Techniques that can be used to isolate the bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, are Gram Staining, oxidase test, and a catalase test. The transmission of Gonorrhea is strictly direct contact, most commonly transmitted through sexu al contact with an infected person. Transmission of this contagious sexual disease also includes having direct contact with infected bodily fluids. For example, a mother could pass on the infection to her newborn during childbirth. Gonorrhea is an infection of the reproductive system in either women or men. However, it can be acquired at any point of sexual contact, including oral-pharyngeal and anal. During infection, the gonococcus attaches to the mucosal cells of the epithelial wall by the means of fimbriae. The mucus membranes of the human body provide Neisseria gonorrhoeae with the warm and moist conditions necessary for its growth. These areas include the oral-pharyngeal area, the eyes, rectum, urethra, the opening of the cervix, and the external genitals of prepubertal females. The invading pathogen enters the body through the spaces separating columnar epithelial cells found in the warm moist areas of the human body. The release of endotoxins in the bacterial cell wall stimu lating inflammation in which leukocytes move into theShow MoreRelatedSexually Transmitted Disease, Gonorrhea713 Words  | 3 PagesGonorrhea is one of many highly contagious sexually transmitted infections caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a gram-negative intracellular diplococcus. These infectious bacteria can spread through sexual contact and intercourse, as well as transmission during childbirth from mother to fetus. This specific bacterium likes to grow in warm, moist areas of the body. They can multiply very fast and infect the mucous membranes. Gonorrhea is said to infect an approximate 820,000 people in theRead MoreGonorrhea Is The Second Most Prevalent Sexually Transmitted Disease1104 Words  | 5 PagesGonorrhea is the second most prevalent sexually transmitted disease in the world (Unemo 2011). Throughout time this disease has prevailed against different antibiotic defenses. This evolutionary advantage has allowed gonorrhea to continue its survival and t ransmission into different hosts. Understanding what causes the disease is important because what causes the symptoms in gonorrhea-infectected hosts can explain why this disease is successful. Taking a look at the evolutionary history in gonorrheaRead MoreSexually Transmitted Diseases Essay1303 Words  | 6 PagesSexually Transmitted Diseases Sex is a popular subject; it is on television, in advertisements, in magazines, and practically everywhere. One very serious side effect of an increase of sexual activity is the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. They affect more than twelve million Americans each year. Sexually transmitted diseases are becoming common and widely spread throughout Americans because of unprotected sex, permiscuity, and multiple sex partners. SomeRead MoreCollege Students In The United States Frequently Engage1508 Words  | 7 Pagesengaging in unsafe sex with a stranger is acquiring a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Medline Plus describes sexually transmitted diseases as â€Å"infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact and are a cause of bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viruses†(Medline Plus, n.d.). According to the Centers for Disease Control fact sheet on sexually transmitted diseases, an estimate of nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted infections occur every year in this country and accountRead MoreEssay On Std And Sds1116 Words  | 5 Pagesin NYC Sexually transmitted disease is defined as in infection passed from one person to another through sexual contact, according to the Health reference article, â€Å"STDs; What They Are and How to Prevent Them.†Approximately, 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases are found every year. Sexually transmitted diseases are most easily spread by having vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Shaking hands hugging or simply touching are not really ways to transmit sexually transmitted diseases. ResearchRead MoreUnderstanding the Risks Inherent Within a Communicable Disease: Gonorrhea Case Study896 Words  | 4 Pagescommunicable disease. One such disease, gonorrhea, while often mentioned , is very dangerous and little is actually known about this condition. The purpose of this essay is to describe and discuss gonorrhea and the efforts to control it and limit its effects on healthy lives and lifestyles. This essay will identify the environmental factors related to this disease an d explain some of the lifestyle choices, socioeconomic conditions and disease management all contribute to this disease. The essay willRead More Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essay1495 Words  | 6 PagesSexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases are an intimate part of many people’s lives. These diseases, one could say, represent a conflict between human and nature. It is a part of nature that humans are inclined to engage in sexual activity . Yet, humans are endangering themselves with the spreading of these diseases. Also, a human oriented disease can take on a life of its own, so to speak, and even turn deadly when nature takes it course. Humans have created antibioticsRead MoreSexually Transmitted Disease Information Essays1252 Words  | 6 PagesSexually Transmitted Disease Information Sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, also known as Venereal diseases, VD, are spread through sexual contact, and the exchange of body fluids. Anyone who is sexually active can contract an STD. Most STDs do not show symptoms, so you can have, spread and even contract an STD without even knowing it. Some STDs are serious and others can have long-term consequences. Some of the consequences could be infertility, certain cancers, and other chronic diseasesRead MoreEssay about Neisseria Gonorrheae Bacteria718 Words  | 3 PagesThe scientific name for the bacterium gonorrhea is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known as gonococci or gonococcus. It is a species of gram-negative spherical-shaped diplococci bacteria that is responsible for this disease. It is usually seen in pairs with neighboring sides flattened. The organism is usually found in the cell in a particular category of white blood cells with various shapes of nuclei, of the gonorrhea pustule exudates with humans as its only natural host. N. gonorrhoeae is highlyRead MoreStds Essay1077 Words  | 5 Pages20-24 was 2,643.8 per 100,000 (2016 Sexually, 2017). Which shows that chlamydia cases are highest among adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 years. Also, between 2015-2016 Gonorrhea rates reported increased 11.3% age 15-19 years, 20-24 years 10.9%, and for primary and secondary syphilis rates increased 13.0% age 15-19 and 8.1% for age 20-24 (2016 Sexually, 2017). Reported Cases of STD in the United States The CDC estimates 20 million new sexually transmitted infections occur every year, and accounting
Monday, December 16, 2019
Mondavi Wines Competitive Threats Free Essays
Mondavi: What threats in the business environment does Mondavi face and how is it addressing them? High quality premium wines produced by France, Italy, Spain, Chile and Argentina. In the past years, Demand increased for premium wines, while consumption of inexpensive, lower quality wine had fallen. As a result of changes in consumption patterns, Europe had created a great deal of excess capacity, while wineries of the new world (South America) continued to increase vineyard acreage in response to strong demand for high quality wines. We will write a custom essay sample on Mondavi Wines Competitive Threats or any similar topic only for you Order Now The size of the global wine industry was estimated by 155 billion dollars (approximately), where Europe and South America dominated global consumption of wine with a market share of 70%. Mondavi addresses this issue by leading the production of premium table wines in the US instead. This market participated with 11% of total world consumption representing 17 billion dollars. Analysts expected demand for premium wines to grow at 8% to 10% per annum. Thus, Mondavi focused 90% of its sales in the US through 15 top retailers and 10% to the rest of the world through exporters. Leverage Risks and Capital requirements The premium wine industry is a capital intensive business. Historically, Tim Mondavi and his team had financed its operations and capital spending principally through borrowings, as well as through internally generated funds. They owned vineyards in California, and the joint ventures controlled land in California, US and Italy, which produced 7% of the company’s total grape supply. The company purchased the rest of its grape supply from 360 independent growers through long term legal agreements. Because in the last years property value had risen and competitors had spent large amounts of money pursuing aggressive acquisition strategies, they could not face further growth with the same strategy due to the increasing high cost of capital. On the other hand, they could not outsource more grape from independent growers, since Mondavi worked closely with the growers to guarantee prime quality and the use of the new farming techniques developed by the company’s own vineyards. So Mondavi chose to focus on a different strategy for the future. He planed to grow its internal grape sourcing by 25% by 2005, focusing on organic growth of the wine and appealing to a new segment of consumers. Management plans to take the company to the next phase by enhancing the high quality of their existing brands, appealing to the organic sectors of healthy consumers and strengthening market positions. Product Substitutes Mondavi faced three types of competitors: rival firms that were focused on making premium wines, large-volume producers moving aggressively into the premium wine business, and global alcoholic beverage companies that were acquiring wineries to complement their beer and/or distilled spirits businesses. He estimated that only 12% of the consumers drank 88% of wines purchased in the US. To stimulate demand for his products, Robert Mondavi set out to educate American consumers and to enhance their appreciation of fine wine. Over the years, he became a leading promoter of the California wine industry. He encouraged visitors to tour the winery and to taste the new wines that he created. In addition, Mondavi began to host concerts, art exhibits, and other cultural events at the To Kalon vineyard. In 1976, the company established the Great Chefs program, the first winery culinary program in the US. Robert Mondavi explained his philosophy regarding fine wine, food, and the arts: â€Å"People who enjoy food, art, music, also enjoy fine wines, and they enjoy them more together. . . . Wine is more than a drink. It’s a culture. †Over time, the company began to advertise more extensively to broaden its customer base. Mondavi launched its first major radio advertising campaign to promote the Woodbridge and Coastal brands in 1998 and its first national television advertising in the fall of 2000. The firm’s advertising expenditures, including point-of-sale materials, reached $20 million in 2001. Michael Mondavi reflected back on the limitations of the firm’s marketing strategy of the early 1990s: â€Å"All those black tie events. We were complacent, cocky, and started believing our own press. For decades, our industry sent the wrong message, that wine is for special occasions, while the breweries told people that beer is the beverage of every occasion. That’s crazy. In the old country (Italy), wine was a blue collar beverage, not an elitist, white collar drink. Our goal is to grow the customer base by removing wine’s mystery, while still maintaining the magic. †As previously mentioned, the next step is becoming organic wine producers of its premier brands. While maintaining high quality standards, he will reach the new target audience of green consumers. How to cite Mondavi Wines Competitive Threats, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Action and Linking Verbs free essay sample
After the lessons on action and linking verbs it is good to test how students apply what they have learned through sentence construction. This activity will not be simple sentence construction. Rather, the students will be provided with a pool of words from which they will choose to make up their own sentences. There will be two levels: easy and hard. The easy level would include simple constructed sentence with only one subject and one predicate. The hard level would be compound sentences that may have two or more verbs. It will be more interesting if this activity is done on the blackboard in order to facilitate dynamics within the classroom. The class may be divided into teams whose members will take turns in filling up each sentence. Prepare ten sentences for each level. Each sentence would be missing an action verb or a linking verb. Prepare the missing action verbs and linking verbs for each sentence in sheets of paper that the students can post into the blank space. We will write a custom essay sample on Action and Linking Verbs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ensure that there are many verb choices to make the activity more interesting. The students can even play with their imagination in answering the questions. For the above example, the action verb could be goes, walks, runs, bikes, etc. In order to increase difficulty it is good to also include other conjugations of the verbs (go, went; walk, walked; run, ran; biking) in the word pool. Activity 2 In order to gauge the individual retention of students on the action and linking verb lesson, another activity would be essay writing. This will not be usual essay writing because this will enable instructors to look into the ability of the student to be aware of how verbs are used in a sentence and at the same time increase their capability to pinpoint action and linking verbs in paragraphs. This activity will even increase the writing skills of students especially when done at a regular interval. Ask students to write two 250 word essays on any topic they like. The first essay would be descriptive of something or someone and the other essay would be a narration of an event or a description of an action or procedure. This will enable the instructor to assess how the students use linking verbs (especially in the descriptive essay) and action verbs (in the narration essay). After the students have finished constructing the essays, they will be instructed to identify the action verbs and linking verbs they have used in the essays. They will be asked to identify ALL verbs used. Another option for the instructor is to make students exchange essays and identify the action verbs and linking verbs used by their classmate in the essays. This will enable them to look into other’s works and know the different styles of using verbs in sentences. Ensure that their answers distinguish the action from the linking verb. In this way, they will also be aware of the instances wherein action and linking verbs are used together in sentences. They can also point out mistakes in the usage of verbs as seen in the essays.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Mba Questions Essay Example
Mba Questions Essay MBA has total fixed costs of $2,160 per day. The firm manufactures MBA advice kits. The kits have a short-run average variable cost of $48 and are sold for $66 each. Assuming constant per unit costs in the relevant range: (i) What is the breakeven level of daily output for the firm (= BE)? (ii) What is the degree of operating leverage when daily output is Q = 170? 2. Bob and Bill are college students. They are trying to decide what to do over the next summer. Bobs father has suggested that they both come and work at his plastics manufacturing company where each will earn $3,600 over the summer.Bills father, who runs the local farmers market, suggests that they go to a local resort area and sell fresh fruit and vegetables to tourists. Their markup on the produce would be twenty-five percent, so each $1. 00 of revenue would involve a variable cost of $0. 80. In addition to purchasing the produce, they would have to rent a location. The cost to rent a small roadside stand for the summer is $2,400. (i) How many dollars worth of produce will they have to sell in order to break even in an accounting sense? (ii) How many dollars worth of produce will they have to sell in order to break even in an economic sense? . In 1988, Du Ponts fiber division introduced a new incentive program for its 20,000 employees, including both management and lower-level employees. The novelty of the program was that a portion of the employees annual pay (approximately 5%) would be placed into a pool. If the business exceeded its profit target for the year, then each employee would receive a multiple of the money placed in the pool as a bonus (e. g. , if an employees contribution to the pool was $100, then he would receive, say, 1. 3 x $100).If the business profits were below the target for the year, then the employees would lose the money placed in the pool. The incentive program was adopted initially for 3 years. In 1990, due to a decrease in demand and an unexpected increase in input pric es, it was clear that business profits would be substantially below the target set for that year, and therefore employees would lose the money in the pool, which amounted to a significant financial loss for them. Given the substantial employee discontent that ensued, Du Pont decided to cancel the incentive program in October 1990, calling it a big mistake. ) Use Principles I and II to analyze Du Ponts incentive scheme. b) Propose an alternative incentive program (with similar features) that you think might work better than Du Ponts original plan. a. The current incentive program assumes that all employees of the organization regardless of professional level hold the same risk aversion. This would be a bad assumption considering money is the deciding factor and those in higher level positions usually have more of it than lower level positions, and thus would be more willing to risk it.While the idea behind this incentive program is good because it ties in performance but it doesnâ₠¬â„¢t break it down by department or work center and based on page 40 of the module overall profits of the firm do not depend strongly on middle level managers actions and it should not be given too much weight according to principle I. b. An incentive program based on relative performance, such as how the manager is performing compared to other managers is more consistent with Principle II. Rewards based off selection as worker of the month are also considered to be Relative Performance incentives. 4. You work for a compensation-consulting firm.You are designing a compensation scheme for the CEO of a major corporation. The board has asked you to choose the parameters a, b, and c, in the following incentive contract: I = a + b [(company stock return) c (industry stock return)] Discuss the key factors that will influence your recommendation for each of these three parameters. 5. Level 3 Communications is a diversified communications and information services company, with over $1. 5 billion in revenues in 2002. In order to recruit and reward talented senior employees, it implemented its Outperform Stock Option (OSO) program in April 1998.Level 3 rewards its senior executives with OSO options, whose value is based on Level 3s stock market performance relative to the performance of the S;amp;P index. The option only has value if Level 3s stock outperforms the Samp;P 500, but it has no immediate value if its stock does worse than the Samp;P 500. a) Use the principles of incentive contract design to analyze the main advantages of the OSO program. b) Only a few firms have adopted similar programs. Discuss why a firm might be reluctant to use OSO options.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Illegal immigration essays
Illegal immigration essays The problems created by waves of illegal immigrants leaving Mexico for the United States are very real. Every succeeding year sees an increase in the amount of those caught while trying to cross. One must ask why does such a wealthy developing country, with mineral resources and oil reserves, and a population of nearly 100 million people and a rich culture dating back to the 1500s, need to have economic and social difficulties that force such a large exodus every year? And why does the established government of Mexico seem incapable of solving this issue? Border agents called Federal Prevention Police have proved inadequate in stopping the flow of Mexicans going north. The 700 lawmen posted along the border have done little to break up the polleros or border-traffickers. The United States has thousands of Border Patrol agents stretched along the entire U.S.-Mexican border and Mexican border towns have extra police stationed at strategic points to curb the flow. But many people making the crossing die in the attempt; mostly due to exposure but some are outright murdered. Vigilante gangs have formed in many southern states hunting down illegal Mexicans, and local Militia groups have also contributed to the violence done to those apprehended entering the U.S. Those caught by the police agencies are lucky indeed. However, more than 320,00 make it across by eluding the authorities on both sides of the border every year. Many of these unfortunates meet a deadly end. Last year 356 died trying to enter illegally. The perpetrators are rarely caught or punished. (Immigration-Mexico P.1,2) The people coming across illegally do not do so for free. An illegal crossing comes at a price. And many smuggling rings operate on both sides of the border. The illegals have paid money either to a pollero or to the local police or both. Currently the price to cross ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 for a ride into the U.S. Many ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Punctuation Tips Using Quotation Marks - Proofed
Punctuation Tips Using Quotation Marks - Proofed Punctuation Tips: Using Quotation Marks Quotation marks play a vital role in many types of writing. This is especially true of academic work, where you’ll often need to quote a source to provide evidence for your arguments. These things. However, the rules for how quotation marks should be used in formal writing can be complicated. As such, we’ve prepared this quick guide to using these punctuation marks. Direct Quotation and Dialogue When quoting a source in a paper, the quoted text should be enclosed within double quotation marks (â€Å" †): According to Sartre (1969, p.30), â€Å"Every conscious existence exists as consciousness of existing.†Note that a citation is given here. In an academic context, this is crucial when quoting a source. In other forms of writing, such as fiction, quotation marks can indicate speech: â€Å"What a lovely day,†muttered Sally, her voice dripping sarcasm. While double quotation marks are the norm in American English, keep in mind that single quotation marks (‘ ’) are more common in British English. If you’re not sure which kind to use, check your school/publisher’s style guide. Quotations within Quotations The only time single quotation marks (also known as inverted commas) are conventionally used in American English is when quoting text that already contains quotation marks: Sartre (1969, p.504) states that â€Å"assertions such as ‘I am ugly,’ ‘I am stupid,’ etc.†are anticipatory by nature. Here, â€Å"I am ugly†and â€Å"I am stupid†are placed within single quotation marks because they were within quotation marks in the original source. This helps ensure clarity. Capitalization and Punctuation You might have noticed that the quotes above use different styles of capitalization and punctuation. This depends on what you’re quoting and how it’s framed by the sentence. The rule here is generally to capitalize the first word when quoting a complete sentence, but not when quoting part of a larger sentence: Full sentence: He told me, â€Å"You’re not listening.†Then he left. Partial quotation: He said I was â€Å"not listening,†and then he left. The other difference you can see in these examples regards using a comma to introduce a quotation. If a quotation follows naturally from the rest of the sentence, no comma is required: No comma: He said that â€Å"The sky is blue.†Mostly blue, anyway. However, if there would usually be a pause in the sentence, a comma might be required. This is common when a quotation follows a phrase like â€Å"he said†or â€Å"she said†: Comma required: He said, â€Å"The sky is blue.†More generally, American English places commas and periods inside quotation marks even if they weren’t part of the original quotation. For other punctuation marks, such as question marks, it depends on whether they were part of the original text: Part of quoted text: She asked, â€Å"What color is the sky?†Not part of quoted text: Did you just say that â€Å"the sky is blue†? Scare Quotes Finally, sometimes quotation marks are used to indicate use of a non-standard term or to suggest skepticism or irony when we don’t agree with how a term has been used: He’s not a gangster; if you value your health, he’s a â€Å"businessman.†My family have been in business for years. However, it’s best to use scare quotes sparingly in academic writing, as they’re often misused.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Impact of Social Media on the Education Sector Outline
The Impact of Social Media on the Education Sector - Outline Example The social networking arena has engrossed itself into the human lives such that each individual stays signed into his virtual profile round the clock. These social networks have been the roots of various social media that have evolved from them. Social Media is the new terminology with which the visual social connections of each digital device are connected to each other via the internet. The platforms that support the evolution and maintenance of the social connections are various and limitless. Examples of platforms supporting social web profiles are Facebook, Twitter, Orkut LinkdIn etc. The globalization of today’s world sees it as such that virtually every human being is connected to the web in one way or the other. People connected to the internet have the privilege of accessing all other sorts of information on it. Via the Internet anyone connected to it can stay up-to-date with the very latest information, can telecommute, check stock prices, compare prices and shop onl ine, communicate with others in chat rooms or on bulletin boards, take different online learning courses, learn how to cook food, book airline, train tickets and even earn an accredited degree. The current study is aimed at the standardization of the social web tools and the flexibility of web 2.0. It association in the field of education is highlighted with the aim to target the benefits associated with it. Challenges of incorporating social media into the education are mentioned in terms of the effects that they have on the corporate arena. Specifically the concept of e-business with respect to its integration with the social media is discussed. Marketing and advertising are also developing new meanings in line with the development of social media across the globe. EDUCATION AND SOCIAL... From the research it can be comprehended that youngsters and elders respond towards Social Media in an indifferent manner. This factor is a major trigger in the inclusion of Social Media within the Education Sector. Facebook has been witnessed as a potential platform that is acclaimed all over the world and is thus recognizable as well. Embedding education with the Social Media has resulted in positive influences upon the students may they belong to any age or class. Adaptability of the Social Media norms is massive among youngsters and it is thus recommended that implementation of social media norms into the education saga should be enhanced. The Corporate sector has also become highly dependent on the socializing arena that is generated via the Social Media saga. The challenges associated with this new and integrating phenomenon are to be addressed with effectiveness and control so as to ensure the rapid and healthy execution of the stakeholders associated with the concept. It is a lso essential that social ethics be made prevalent on the social media strengthening the grounds for its future usage in education and the executed usability associated with it.It is recommended that all new emerging entrepreneurs should integrate their concerns with those of the social media whether they are individuals or organizations especially with reference to advancements in means of acquiring education. The future of the human society is proposed to be based upon social media triggered interactions and modules and it is also owing to the fact that the pros of the promoting systems outweigh its cons.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Judicial activism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Judicial activism - Essay Example In Roper v. Simmons, a seventeen year old by the name of Simmons confessed that he plotted the murder and burglary of an older woman. This case placed the question before the Courts as to whether or not a person younger than eighteen years old should be punished with the death penalty when convicted of crimes that would typically mandated capital punishment. The seventeen year old was originally sentenced to death for his crimes. This decision was later overturned by the Missouri Supreme Court and the defendant's sentence was converted to life imprisonment. The Missouri Supreme Court stated that although there were cases that illustrated that there was a precedent set that allowed for capital punishment for those persons under the age of eighteen, that a 'national consensus has developed against the execution of juvenile offenders'(2005). This case has since been heard by the United States Supreme Courts. Judicial activism and restraint are concepts that can be readily viewed in the Roper v. Simmons case when it was decided by the Supreme Court in March 2005. The majority opinion addressed both the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments when considering the affirmation of the Missouri Supreme Court decision. ... Per the court's opinion, neither the Eighth nor the Fourteenth Amendment disallows the use of the death penalty for either persons that are under the age of eighteen or that are deemed mentally retarded. The Court's majority states that twenty-two of thirty-seven death penalty states permit the death penalty for the offenders that are sixteen years old. The same thirty-seven states permitted the death penalty for those offenders that were seventeen years old. The Court went further to state that such figures are not indicative of a nation that is moving towards a consensus against capital punishment for those offenders that are less than eighteen years of age. Two court cases were consistently referenced in the opinion: Stanford v. Kentucky 492 U.S. 361 (1989) and Atkins v. Virginia 536 U.S. 304(2002). Stanford and Atkins speak to both issues of capital punishment for juvenile offenders and the mentally retarded. These two cases decided that it was not inappropriate to utilize the de ath penalty for those younger than age eighteen or mentally retarded, respectively. Typically, judicial restraint would have allowed the Supreme Court to overturn the Missouri Courts ruling based on precedents and existing laws. However, the majority opinion took its review of the existing laws by interpreting the intention of the laws and how they related to the intention of the Constitutional Amendments. The majority opinion stated that although the death penalty for youths and the mentally retarded were not prohibited, they were rarely used as methods of punishment. In many cases, the Court notes that allowances were made for juveniles that had committed heinous crimes because it was and is recognized that these persons have
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Lowering Drinking Age Essay Example for Free
Lowering Drinking Age Essay In the United States government, there are many politicians that have to make difficult decisions that affect its citizens in their everyday lives. One frequently asked question by the people in America today is why does the government believe 21 is the proper age to legally allow drinking of alcoholic beverages. Over 200 countries in the world do not have a legal drinking age. Many say if you are tall enough to stand at a bar, you are old enough to get a drink. In America, would lowering the drinking age to 18 decrease or increase the number of college students binge drinking? What if we gave our youth the proper education about alcohol? Then, if they did decide to drink, could they act as responsible adults having that knowledge? Another question frequently asked is would lowering the drinking age to 18, increase or decrease highway fatalities? We as a nation have tried prohibition twice trying to control irresponsible drinking problems in the past. So, should we take a risk and try to come up with a plan to lower the drinking age to 18? Or, alternatively, should we keep the legal drinking age at 21? When a person turns 18 years old in America, they are considered an adult in society. They now have the responsibility to fight in wars, to vote, to serve on a jury, to legally get married and so forth. A person who is 18 can do all these things. So, why is it that they do not have to right to choose if they want to drink a bottle of beer or a glass of wine? Do you really think drinking a beer is an act of greater responsibility and maturity than voting or going to war for your country? I feel that the youth in our nation is not getting the proper education on the facts behind alcohol. Thus, when a person does decide to drink, they do so irresponsibly. Most people who drink irresponsibly find themselves moving like zombies once intoxicated. One approach to this issue is requiring an individual who is 18 years old to attend an alcohol education class. This would be similar to the requirements for getting your drivers license. In the alcohol education class, they would teach you facts, have group meetings with people who have been alcoholics in the past (AA meetings), conduct tests throughout the course and a final at the end to ensure a thorough understanding of drinking responsibly and the consequences of not doing so. When completed, the person would receive a license allowing he or she to go into liquor stores, pubs, bars, etc. to purchase alcohol products that they want. However, if they choose to violate the license in any way, it will be taken away. If you are the kind of person who does not like to drink alcohol, good news! You do not have to take the class if you do not want. I do think this class would be good in helping our youth understand the harmful affects that alcohol can have on our bodies and how dangerous it can really be if you are not responsible with it. As students go to college, studies have shown that more and more students are â€Å"binge drinkers†today than ever before. A binge drinker is someone who consumes five or more alcoholic drinks in a given sitting. Dr. John McCardells is the founder of a group called the Amethyst initiative. They have a theory that by lowering the drinking age it will actually reduce the number of binge drinking on college campuses throughout the United States. Over 100 of our nations top colleges such as Duke, Ohio State, Dartmouth are all calling on lawmakers to consider lowering the drinking age to 18. This debate has been going on for quite some time now. Lets stop scratching our heads and come up with an approach to this situation. There have been deaths in the past when an underage person drank too much and died because his or her friends did not want to call the cops because they knew they would have been in trouble. A similar incident as this happened to a student named Gordy Bailey. Gordy was a freshman at Boulder College in Colorado. Boulder is a school known for its party scene. He planned to join a fraternity called Sigma Chi and in order to do so, he had to drink ten gallons of hard liquor or wine. They are not sure how much Gordy actually drank that night but estimated that he had 15 to 20 shots in under a half hour. After they were done drinking, they went back to the fraternity house and by the time they got there Gordy was to the point that he could not even walk. His fraternity friends did not dare to call the police in order to get help and risk getting in trouble for underage drinking. Unfortunately, the decision that they made was not the right one. They called the police the next morning but it was too late. Gordy Bailey died that night from alcohol poisoning. Had the drinking age been 18, Gordy’s fraternity friends could have called the police to get him medical attention. There are many situations that occur every year which are very similar to Gordy Bailey’s story. However, many do not think we should take a different approach to this problem. Mark Beckner, the Chief of Police in Boulder, Colorado, is one of the few Chief of Police in America who agrees with Dr. John McCardells theory and supports lowering the drinking age. In an interview with 60 Minutes he said, â€Å"We can’t enforce something that unenforceable and all we are doing is doing is pushing drinking more and more underground, essentially making it very dangerous. †People need to learn that prohibition does not work, we should know this already from the past already. Let us not let history repeat itself yet again. †A person’s life is no less precious off the road than it is on the road. There is an organization called MADD, which stands for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD is an organization that opposes the idea of lowering the drinking age. One of the biggest issues they have regarding lowering the drinking age is highway fatalities that involve a drunk driver. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines a fatal crash as alcohol-related if a driver had a estimated blood alcohol level of 0. 01 or above. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities, better known as drunken driving fatalities, were the key factors behind the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. Yes, over the years, statistics have shown that the number of alcohol-related fatalities have decreased and this is true for all ages, not just people who are under 21. Statistics show that approximately 1,000 people from the ages 18 to 24 die a year from alcohol-related accidents. However, the numbers are very similar with people who are dying behind closed doors. I believe the drinking age should be lowered to 18 because if someone can go to war and die for his or her country, he or she should be able to have the right to choose if he or she wants a beer or a glass of wine. Based on facts, the current prohibition laws are not working. We need to come up with an alternative approach. We have tried prohibition in the past and learned very quickly that it was not very productive. Let us learn from our mistakes and put an end to pushing our youth to drink further and further underground. In other countries, alcohol is not seen as a poison, there is little or no social pressure to drink, and irresponsible drinking is never tolerated. Parents and other family members teach their kids at home how to drink in a responsible manner. Since the 21 year old drinking law is not working, maybe we could approach this situation as people would in a different country.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
President Bill Clinton and The Lewinsky Scandal Essay -- William Jeffe
Clinton and The Lewinsky Scandal On January 17th, 1998, President Clinton videotaped a deposition for the Paula Jones lawsuit against him. December 19th, eleven months later, Bill Clinton became only the second president in our nation’s history to face impeachment from congress. The 1998-1999 was a tumultuous year for the President, the media, and the American people as a whole. Yet, the most intriguing and surprising aspect of the scandal was not that Bill Clinton would ever cheat on his wife or that his administration would survive such a terrible scandal. Nor was it a revelation that the media would be zealously intrigued by a sex scandal involving the President. The one aspect of the Lewinksy Scandal that was truly interesting was the response of the public. Despite the knowledge that Clinton had an affair with an intern and probably lied about it, Clinton’s job approval rating did not decrease or even stay the same– his ratings rose to levels approaching 70% Every time a new damning piece of evidence came to light, media pundits everywhere believed that Clinton’s ratings would fall. Yet, they were wrong. The Republican Party believed that the scandal would finally bring down Clinton and his popular support. They also were wrong and paid a considerable political price. How did this happen? To help understand and explain this phenomenon, I will examine three political actors -- the President, the media, and the public – and their relationship with each other. I will discuss President Clinton’s past and his history of scandals. The way that each actor has dealt with Clinton’s scandal-ridden past has had an important effect on how each responded to and was affected by the Lewinsky Scandal. Each actor’s res... ...Wilcox, â€Å"Public Opinion: The Paradoxes of Clinton’s Popularity†, ed. Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox, The Clinton Scandal: and the Future of American Government (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2000)p. 117. Ibid. Ibid. Molly W. Andolina and Clyde Wilcox, â€Å"Public Opinion: The Paradoxes of Clinton’s Popularity†, ed. Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox, The Clinton Scandal: and the Future of American Government (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2000) p.117. Michael J. Gerhardt, â€Å"The Impeachment and Acquittal of William Jefferson Clinton†, ed. Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox, The Clinton Scandal: and the Future of American Government (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2000). Robert Busby, Defending the American President: Clinton and Lewinsky Scandal (New York: Palgrave, 2001) p.47. Ibid. p.213. Ibid.
Monday, November 11, 2019
High School Compared with Collge
A good education is an important part of life. To achieve a good education a person must graduate from high school and then college. High school prepares students for college, but each student must define his or herself to succeed in college. The many similarities and differences between high school and college can help and hinder each student in his or her goals to achieve a good education. Some of these similarities and differences between high school and college are the type of students, the difficulty of the classes, and the differences in class scheduling.The differences of students in high school and college begin with high school being a world where a person attends school with most of the same classmates that he or she has grown up with. No one has a true identity except the reputation or image that a person has built for themselves over the years. Most of the people in each grade are around the same age and live in the same community and are friends inside and outside of cla ss. College is usually a new world to students. Many students move to different parts of the country to attend college and move away from their friends and community.This gives each person an opportunity to create a new identity for his or herself and make new friends. Also, students in college are various ages including some right out of high school and some being older adults continuing their education later in life. A common theme in high school and college is bringing a group of students together to learn. Students are all attending classes to achieve a piece of paper that will help them in their future. Most students attend classes in high school and college because they want to be there, but the difficulty of the classes determines each student’s success.The difficulty of high school contrasted with college can be hard on students. Many high schools work to pass students through the various grade levels and onto graduation without the students having to work very hard t o complete tasks and assignments. On the contrary, college is a place where students must work to achieve their grades and pass classes. Professors expect students to complete tasks, homework, and exams to achieve a grade and pass the college class. Classes in college are usually harder on students because they require more work, studying, and dedication.Many students goof off and do not take high school classes seriously. Often students copy each other’s work and tests in high school, but college students must work hard to make sure that their work is individualized and not plagiarized. Some high schools do offer college level classes to students that are more difficult and prepare students for the difficulty of college courses. Each student determines how the difficult the class really is by taking the time to study and complete the work in both high school and college.One of the biggest differences between high school and college is the schedule. Both high school and colle ge offer schedules for students to sign up for. Students are able to take courses that interest them and will help them achieve a diploma or degree. In high school students become accustomed to a strict daily schedule. School begins and ends at the same time each day and classes are held during this time and each class is the same length. College classes are very different. Classes are spread throughout the week and each class can be a different length.Students must learn to take advantage of down time in between classes to study and complete assignments. On the contrary, in high school, students are given time during class and study periods to do work. The transition between a strict high school schedule into a more lenient college schedule can be very hard on many students. Many times the scheduling difference between high school and college is the reason why students to do excel their first year of college. Students were not taught how to plan and make good use of their time with the too strict high school schedule.Even though students in high school are given an opportunity to choose certain classes to take each semester, scheduling in the biggest difference there is between high school and college. In conclusion, high school and college are very different, but they do share a few similarities. High school prepares students for college, and college is a mature version of high school. The types of students, difficulty in classes, and differences in schedules can be very alike and very different in high school and college. Success in high school and college depends on the effort each student applies in accepting the similarities and differences.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Effects of Facebook on Teens Essay
Facebook can be very dangerous for the lives of teens. Many teens of today say that Facebook is positive because it can improve communication between other teens, which is true, but the real stated facts about the site are that Facebook can cause psychological disorders, depression, and can affect grades in a negative way. Facebook can cause many psychological disorders. Two of the major disorders that are caused by Facebook are narcissism and anxiety. Narcissism is inordinate fascination with oneself. Narcissism can also negatively affect learning and grades for teens. Teens who use Facebook more often show more narcissistic tendencies while young adults who have a strong Facebook presence show more signs of other psychological disorders, including antisocial behaviors, mania, and aggressive tendencies. †(Albanesius) Narcissism is one problem that can be prevented if teens knew how to use Facebook in moderation instead of constantly using it every day. Another disorder caused by Facebook is anxiety. Anxiety is distress or uneasiness in the mind that is usually caused by fear of danger or possible misfortune. Anxiety can be caused by pictures, status updates, or even through messaging each other. Teens can also try to prevent anxiety by cutting down on their daily Facebook usage. Along with anxiety, depression can also be influenced by Facebook. Depression is being in a deep sadness where you think that nothing good is ever going to happen to you. Depression is another major disorder that is caused by excessive Facebook use. â€Å"With in-your-face friends’ tallies, status updates and photos of happy-looking people having great times, Facebook pages can make some children feel even worse if they think they don’t measure up. (Press) Teens can become depressed in many ways. Status updates are one of the things on Facebook that can cause teens to become depressed. If the status update is about a teen, and it is not a friendly post, the teen could become depressed because it could put them down. Photos on Facebook can also lead to teens becoming depressed. Photos could lead to depression in teens because a teen might see a picture of a happy couple and this could make the teen feel lonely and become depressed. Finally, messages could also make a teen depressed. Teens could become depressed from messages in many ways. One way is that if the messages are mean and directed towards the teen, the teen could be put down which would make them depressed. Also, the teen could become depressed if the person sending the message is bragging about something like a relationship or a sport. Depression can also cause teens to end up harming themselves A teen who becomes depressed because of a status update from one of their friends could become so depressed that they could end up harming themselves or even killing themselves. This could be prevented though if teens could cut down on the amount of time they spend on Facebook. â€Å"Facebook can be distracting and can negatively impact learning. Studies found that middle school, high school and college students who checked Facebook at least once during a 15-minute study period achieved lower grades. †(Daily 1) Facebook can negatively impact learning because teens could spend their time on the computer checking Facebook instead of studying and doing homework. Teens that spend more time on Facebook usually have lower grades than teens that control how much time they have on Facebook and how much time they study for. These teens have lower grades because they waste all their time on Facebook instead of studying. Teens are now checking Facebook during school hours which takes their attention away from learning and focusing on their education. However, some parts of society believe that Facebook improves communication skills of teens. Facebook can definitely improve communication between teens. Communication through Facebook improves the social part of a teen’s life. This can be achieved through posts on each other’s wall and they can also communicate through messages. Messages can help teens connect and could also help teens make new friends. The teens could start talking to other teens on Facebook which helps them make new friends through the chat portion of Facebook. Communication is improved because of the many applications on Facebook. Teens can connect through applications on Facebook, such as Words with Friends. Teens can improve their communication through apps because they can play against each other which help them connect through Facebook. This is a positive effect of Facebook that support that Facebook can positively affect teens. Facebook is a social networking site that has limited positive features for teens but overall it has many negative effects on the teens of today. Facebook can help improve communication between teens, however, Facebook can cause psychological disorders, depression, and the website can affect grades in a negative way.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Yuan Drama
Yuan Drama History During the period of Mongol rule in China, the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), there were great developments and evolution in the area of performance art. It was during this period that a style of theatre referred to as poetic musical drama, or as zaju (tsa chu, "mixed entertainments"), gained greatly in popularity and reached what is viewed as its Golden Age. Therefore, this style later came to be known as Yuan ch'u ("Yuan Songs"), Mongol theatre, or Yuan drama. This classical and highly stylized form of theatre, an ancestor of the Chinese opera, called for entertainers, both male and female, to sing, act, mime, and play music. Through the use of such skills, the performers presented stories of political intrigue, heroism, villainy, filial devotion, and the faith of lovers. The Yuan plays themselves were often works by Chinese scholars and intellectuals, though Mongols, and others are also noted to have been dramatists .As was the case with many Yuan dramas, the stories were usually based on earlier materials: older Chinese tales and anecdotes that were already familiar to the people. The playwrights, though, took liberties to adapt and rework the materials for their own purpose, sometimes slipping clever political commentaries into their works. The most celebrated and prolific writer among the Yuan playwrights was Guan Hanqing(1241?-1320?). The development of Yuan drama The Yuan Dynasty marked a period of Mongol domination in China. During this period, the existing Chinese government and society were practically turned upside-down by the Mongol conquerors; With much of traditional Confucianism put down and degraded by the Mongols, intellectuals found they could think freely for the first time in many long years since much of the Confucian conservatism had stood in the way of the true creative power in Chinese. While high-seated Chinese officials lost status during the Yuan era, entertainers - musicians, act... Free Essays on Yuan Drama Free Essays on Yuan Drama Yuan Drama History During the period of Mongol rule in China, the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), there were great developments and evolution in the area of performance art. It was during this period that a style of theatre referred to as poetic musical drama, or as zaju (tsa chu, "mixed entertainments"), gained greatly in popularity and reached what is viewed as its Golden Age. Therefore, this style later came to be known as Yuan ch'u ("Yuan Songs"), Mongol theatre, or Yuan drama. This classical and highly stylized form of theatre, an ancestor of the Chinese opera, called for entertainers, both male and female, to sing, act, mime, and play music. Through the use of such skills, the performers presented stories of political intrigue, heroism, villainy, filial devotion, and the faith of lovers. The Yuan plays themselves were often works by Chinese scholars and intellectuals, though Mongols, and others are also noted to have been dramatists .As was the case with many Yuan dramas, the stories were usually based on earlier materials: older Chinese tales and anecdotes that were already familiar to the people. The playwrights, though, took liberties to adapt and rework the materials for their own purpose, sometimes slipping clever political commentaries into their works. The most celebrated and prolific writer among the Yuan playwrights was Guan Hanqing(1241?-1320?). The development of Yuan drama The Yuan Dynasty marked a period of Mongol domination in China. During this period, the existing Chinese government and society were practically turned upside-down by the Mongol conquerors; With much of traditional Confucianism put down and degraded by the Mongols, intellectuals found they could think freely for the first time in many long years since much of the Confucian conservatism had stood in the way of the true creative power in Chinese. While high-seated Chinese officials lost status during the Yuan era, entertainers - musicians, act...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Autism 2
Autism 2 Essay There are many diseases and disorders that plague todays society, but one of the most serious of those disorders is autism. Autism is not nearly as widely known as the familiar Downs Syndrome, yet, surprisingly, autism is far more widespread. In fact, autism is the third most common developmental disability, affecting 400,000 people worldwide (Autism Society of America). As of yet there is no cure for this debilitating disorder, only a variety of treatments. Autism is a developmental disability, not a mental illness, that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects 15 of every 10,000 individuals. No one is certain why it occurs, but researchers have found that MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans of people with autism show abnormalities in the structure of the brain. Significant abnormalities include differences in the cerebellum and in the size and number of Purkinje cells within the brain. Sometimes there is a pattern that exists within families from generation to generation. This indicates the possibility that autism is genetically related. However, no gene has been found. Every person with autism is different and there is no set type or typical person with autism. This is because autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that symptoms and characteristics of the disorder can present themselves in a variety of ways, from mild to severe. Usually children with autism have deficiencies in both verbal and non-verbal communication. Their language develops slowly or not at all and they have very short attention spans. They often lack social skills and will spend time alone, rather than with others. In more severe cases, children have unusual reactions to physical sensations such as being overly sensitive to touch or under responsive to pain. Most commonly, children with autism lack imagination and imitate others ideas, rather than initiate their own. Lastly, behavior is greatly affected by autism. They may be overactive or very passive and throw frequent tantrums, injuring themselves, for no apparent reason other than to gather attention. They often lack common sense and show aggressive or violent behavior. While some people only show one or two symptoms, others have all or nearly all and find it extremely difficult to function in society. People with autism do live normal life spans and the behaviors associated may change or disappear over time. As of yet, there is no cure for autism. However, with the proper treatment, many of the behaviors can be positively changed. Some of the treatments include behavioral training, teaching of communication and social skills, auditory training, medications, and a change in diet. Behavioral training or modification, as it is also called, deals with changing or extinguishing inappropriate behaviors and increasing positive behaviors. A few methods are used to do this. One way is self-management where the individual monitors their behavior and receives self-reinforcement. Another method used is modeling. This is when the teacher or therapist demonstrates what is being done so the child can model the steps. Behavioral training is effective in stopping self-inflicted pain by shaping and distributing positive reinforcement. The teaching of communication and social skills is an integral part of treating autism. Speech therapy may include gaining language skills or learning sign language. Some devices are used frequently such as picture communication boards. Another device is used with a trained professional supporting the hand or arm of the person helping them to punch keys on a device. This technique, called facilitated communication, is highly controversial because it is sometimes thought that the facilitator is directing the persons arm unknowingly. One of the main characteristics of autism is the lack of understanding of social cues (Autism Society of America). The person with autism may be taught how to communicate in social situations or respond to certain facial expressions and emotions. If the emphasis is on social communication, a speech therapist will work closely with the child to ensure proper communication in social situations. Auditory training is sometimes used for those individuals who are oversensitive to sound. An audiologist plays a different variety of sound frequencies in this therapy. Food allergies and sensitivities have been shown to produce a variety of symptoms associated with autism .
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The USEC Inc Project Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The USEC Inc Project Examination - Essay Example The key value driver of the NPV is the demand for Separate Work Units (SWU). It has been assumed by USEC that there will be 100% demand which will enable the ACP to operate at 100% production capacity. The sensitivity analysis shows that for every 1% decrease in demand, the NPV comes down by 2.74%. It is therefore recommended that Rivanna capital should take a long position in the project. This is because the stock price, after considering the ACP project, is undervalued by a massive 49.53% and Rivanna’s rule is to go long on any stock that is undervalued by 10% or more. 2. MAIN REPORT 2.1 The pursuit of ACP by USEC USEC is pursuing ACP because it will give it an edge technologically and cost-wise over its competitors. The cost efficiencies realised from ACP will make it the lowest cost producer in the uranium enrichment industry. The existing uranium enrichment process of USEC at the Paducah plant uses the gas diffusion process. This process requires intensive electricity pow er for operating a series of enormous industrial compressors. USEC has kept the cost of this electricity constant through a long term electricity contract. However, this contract will expire soon. After the expiry of this contract, the cost of production will rise and this will have a very negative impact on the profit margins of USEC. Consequently, USEC is very keen on pursuing the American Centrifuge project. The technology used in the centrifuge project will cut down the electricity consumption in the enrichment process by a whopping 95%.This would bring down the overall enrichment costs by 50%. The low costs mean higher profit margins for USEC. ACP will also double the scale of USEC and has the potential to dramatically improve the competitive position of USEC. 2.2... USEC is pursuing ACP because it will give it an edge technologically and cost-wise over its competitors. The cost efficiencies realised from ACP will make it the lowest cost producer in the uranium enrichment industry. The existing uranium enrichment process of USEC at the Paducah plant uses the gas diffusion process. This process requires intensive electricity power for operating a series of enormous industrial compressors.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Servant as a Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Servant as a Leader - Essay Example According to the report there are various leadership types apart from the servant leadership approach. Firstly, there are transformational leaders. Blanken says the famous transformational leaders are Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who made a business framework that allowed members of their client community to become stockholders. Blanken says transformative leaders want the organization to change even when its members are not comfortable with the idea.From this essay it is clear that the recommended leadership style is servant leadership. Blanken names Herb Kelleher as the one person who embodied servant leadership. Kelleher instilled a culture in Southwest Airlines company that reflected the belief that the business of business is people. Servant leaders, as Blanken says, put service to others before themselves. They involve members of their organization in the decision-making process. Moreover, servant leaders have the will to let the credit for a job well-done be put to their te am members. Smith notes that servant leadership starts when a leader takes the place of a servant while engaging with their organization members. Leadership that is authentic and legitimate does not come from the exercise of power or self-serving deeds. However, true leadership emanates from the desire to assist others first. Smith mentions that the basic urge and purpose of a servant leader is first to motivate the greatness in others, with team success the outcome of it.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Non-fatal and fatal domestic violence incidents are interconnected to Term Paper
Non-fatal and fatal domestic violence incidents are interconnected to specific demographics and social groups - Term Paper Example Non-fatal and fatal domestic violence incidents are interconnected to specific demographics and social groups It is due to this reason that Carl G. Buzawa gas observed, â€Å"†¦it is a problem of women in marital relationships being assaulted, and the terms wife abuse or wife battering are most appropriate†¦.the act of battering occurs just as frequently among couples who are dating or living together but are not married. From this perspective, the term violence against women captures the essence of the problem.†It is not that due to such acts of domestic violence among genders that, women only suffer from injuries. Men also suffer from such acts of domestic violence but statistics reveals that the rate of women injury is more than that of the males. There are several instances that the act of domestic violence has been initiated by a woman but once compared to the violence caused by their male counterparts, it is automatically proved that violence caused by the females are far less severe than that of the males. In this context survey done by the National Family Violence S urve is extremely important. National Family Violence Survey has cited that â€Å"the injury rate of women was 6 times higher than that for men.†Another survey, done by the same organization exposes the startling data that in 1998, almost among 1 million reported domestic violence crimes, 85% was inflicted over women. NCVS survey conveys that more than 50% of the total victims of domestic violence were women, whereas only 32% males were reported to be the victims of domestic violence caused by women.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Focus Of Supervision Analysis Social Work Essay
Focus Of Supervision Analysis Social Work Essay The focus of this supervision is to look at how our supervisiory relationship is working in regards to our different learning styles. Referral to Public Health Nurses (PHN) for girls in the in the Early Intervention Program (EIP). Wai Ora Girls Program one client has offended and one client has absconded reflection on practice. Feasibility study Community Coordinators have said there are no issues with youth crime in their area. Where to next? During this supervision my supervisor is to complete my second direct observation assessment. Discussion points Learning Styles We began the session by reviewing our learning styles. My supervisor asked me to fill out the 80 question Honey Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (2006) in my first week of placement. My learning style is a reflector and my supervisor has a pragmatist learning style. Reflectors: like to view the situation from different perspectives. They like to collect data, review and think carefully before coming to any conclusions. They enjoy observing others and will listen to their views before offering their own (Mumford, 1992). Pragmatists: are eager to try things out. They like concepts that can be applied to their job. They tend to be impatient with lengthy discussions and are practical and down to earth (Mumford, 1992). Therefore, we discussed how we can work together in supervision from these different learning styles to make it affective. My supervisor has identified as a pragmatist learner he does not like lengthy discussions and prefers to get straight to the point when it comes to discussions around practice. Where as because I am a reflector I like to discuss my learning through different perspectives at length before I am able to come to any conclusions around my learning. This can cause difficulties within our supervisory relationship and we need to work together so that I am able to make the most out of our supervision sessions and the field education placement in relation to my own learning style. My supervisor identified that he needs to be flexible in the different learning approaches that are presented by: Organising a range of opportunities for practice Using a blend of methods and materials that will help me learn Using a mixture of theory and practice focus in supervision Using learning materials that focus on the reflection of practice Formal and informal opportunities to learn Continuing teaching and learning styles discussion EIP Program I have identified a range of health issues presented by the girls who attend the EIP. In a previous supervision session it was discussed that I will contact the PHN to arrange health assessments for the girls that are presenting concerns. Following on from this I discussed with the volunteers of the Girls EIP which girls we believe could use a health assessment. On contacting the PHN it became apparent that we would be unable to get these girls health assessments as I did not have parental consent, and two girls are already involved with the PHN. Upon contacting the parents of the girls who are not already involved they did not give permission for their children to be assessed. I discussed with my supervisor that I still has concerns for these girls but because there is no parental consent we are unable to refer them to the nurses. We decided it is up to the volunteers and I to monitor the concerns, and if they became more evident to approach the parents again. Wai Ora Girls Program one of my clients who I have been working with has been arrested over the weekend and charged with driving with excess blood alcohol. I discussed with my supervisor the concerns I had around this charge and the events that had led to the young women driving whilst under the influence. We agreed that it would be best for me to notify her Child, Youth and Family Services (CYFS) social worker in regards to the concerns I had as it was beyond my level of involvement. Another one of the young women I have been working with has absconded over the weekend; I discussed with my supervisor what I should do next in regards to this client. My supervisor suggested that as we do not have any mandate to work with this young person and that it was not my responsibility to follow up with this young person, as her involvement with our agency is voluntary and if she does not wish to be involved that I was not to force her. I will contact her CYFS social worker to let her know that if the young person returns I am happy to continue working with her. Feasibility Study during supervision I discussed the information and negative feedback I had received from the Community Coordinators in regards to the feasibility of Te Roopu O Wai Ora working in Albany and the East Coast Bays areas. He said to document these conversations and the next step us to speak to CYFS, Police, and the local schools. Direct Practice Observation the second direct practice observation was completed in relation to the second Learning Outcome. This assessment bought out discussion around my resiliency as I have been confronted with a range of client issues through out my placement. We focused more closely on working cross-culturally in my practice with clients and I am often working with young people and their families who are of a different culture from my own. At the alterative education centre where I am placed two days a week I am the only female and pakeha person there. We discussed how I can critically reflect on my issues in practice and working cross-culturally (I will discuss this further in my critical reflection). Direct practice feedback from Fieldwork Educator My supervisor discussed how he views my experience as an advantage for the organisation; that he trusts me to manage my own workload and ask for help when I need it. The information my supervisor has feedback through this supervision and direct practice will lead me to further discussions and reflections in my critical reflection assignment: Grace has shown good levels of interviewing techniques on our observation of her at work. She has interviewed family members of our clients and shown experience beyond her years. Through supervision and on job training Grace has self-reflected on issues and questions she has been challenged with. She is not afraid to ask the hard questions. Grace is aware of her own feelings and background in working with different clients on a range of issues. She shows genuine empathy and an ability to engage with clients in a relaxed and professional manner. Working in the school setting as the only female and pakeha person, has enabled her to identify the differences in culture but also helped her to work cross-culturally with other staff and clients. Family visitation has also helped her to identify areas that need more training in. Suggested next steps for practice No Steps 1 Critically reflect on discussions in this supervision and the direct observation assessment in regards to working cross-culturally. 2 Contact CYFS in regards to the two young women in the Wai Ora Girls Club that are presenting with problems/concerns/absconding. 3 Attend EIP program and monitor their health issues 4 Contact police, CYFS and local schools in regards to Feasibility Study. What is the relationship between this supervision session and the B.Soc.Wk 2 learning objectives, generally and my contract specifically? The relationship between this supervision and the B.Soc.Work learning objectives and my contract were the discussions around my second learning outcome in relation to the second direct observation. I have demonstrated the appropriate use of self in a professional social work setting by exploring in supervision my practice, cultural awareness, resiliency, and my learning style. I have demonstrated my ability to initiate and articulate my own learning in my placement by reflecting on my learning style and discussing how our supervisory relationship is working. Also by identifying that in this supervision session that there was a significant focus on my practice cross-culturally and using it as the basis for my second critical reflection, to enable me to reflect on my cultural framework more critically. I have been in contact with other agencies and the community in relation to shared clients and the Feasibility Study. Learning Made The learning I made in this supervision session was in regards to my learning style and how it affects our supervisory relationship, and how we can make it effective for my learning during y field placement. I will use the learning made from the discussion around my practice this week and working cross-culturally as the basis for my critical reflection.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Carbon Dioxide In Beverages :: essays research papers
Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas, it has a small but sharp odor and a slightly sour taste. Each molecule of carbon dioxide consists of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. Its chemical formula is CO2. Carbon Dioxide is about 1.5 times heavier than air. The specific volume at atmospheric pressure (101.3 kilopascals) and 70 º F (21 º C) is 8.74 ft3/lb. Under normal conditions it remains stable, inert and non-toxic. To liquefy CO2 it must be under 300 pound per inch gage(psig) at 0 º F or 838 psig at 70 º F. Above the critical temperature of 87.9 º F, at which all three phases gas, liquid, or solid may exist in equilibrium with one another, CO2 can exist only as a gas, no matter what amount of pressure. When liquid CO2 is cooled to -69.9 º F and the pressure drops to 60.4 psig it turns into dry ice snow. All CO2 existing in the atmosphere is estimated to be 720 x 109. Carbon dioxide makes up about 0.03 percent of the air. Although that is a small amount, plants and animals depend upon it for life. Green plants make their nutrients with it. They mix the carbon dioxide with water to make sugar by a process called photosynthesis. From the sugar, the plants then make starch and cellulose. Animals eat the plants and in getting energy from the food, they produce carbon dioxide and return it to the air as they breathe. Research in Muana Loa and the South Pole showed that CO2 content in the atmosphere has increased from a presumed 250 ppm in the pre-industrial era to 315 ppm in 1958 and to 340 ppm in 1984. If this trend continues the CO2 concentration will reach about 600 ppm in the next century. Besides being produced by breathing, carbon dioxide is formed when carbon-containing materials such as wood, coal, and petroleum products are burned with plenty of oxygen in and around the fire. Carbon Dioxide has found many uses in the industrial world. CO2 is not usually taken from the atmosphere because the concentration is so low. The industrial worldâ₠¬â„¢s CO2 is commercial produced. The CO2 production plant, type CBU, is based on the combustion of oil or gas. The flue gas normally contains sulfur dioxide, which is removed by water and soda lye scrubbing. If combustion is based on sulfur free fuel the soda scrubber can be omitted.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
RMG Industry of Bangladesh
Currently, there are approximately 5000 manufacturing units with a 4. Million work force (Wisped 2012). Bangladesh does not have any natural advantage to flourish in ARM sector except cheap labor (Islam 2012). Undoubtedly, the dedicated work force with relatively low wages is the key driving force in this sector. It gives Bangladesh a competitive edge over the rivals. But unfortunately, employee satisfaction in the ARM sector seems to be fading. Since May 2006, the ARM sector has been beset with very serious labor unrest.The major disputes concern wages, working hours, appointment procedures, forced labor, child labor, health and safety, security, gender discrimination, sexual reassessment and trade unionism. Non-compliance of workplace health, safety and security regulations are prevalent in the industry. Due to hazardous factory environments many workers become sick or injured, or even lose their lives through accidents, fires and stampedes. Both the BAGMEN and the Government are s howing ‘Ostrich-Approach' in this regard, perhaps on the plea of maintaining price competitiveness in the global market.However, recent tragic fire incident at Instructions Étagà ¨re Garments factory has given a wakeup call for both the BAGMEN and the Government. The cancellation of equines ties by the world famous retailer Wall-Mart is seen by many as a disturbing and threatening symptom for ARM sector. At this backdrop, question arises behind the apparent success story of the ARM industry, â€Å"Does the ARM industry in Bangladesh perform its ethical responsibility towards employees? Can we term this industry a successful one? †A clear answer is essential for the continuous growth and sustainability of ARM sector in Bangladesh.This report shall present the answer to the aforementioned questions with considerable details. 1. 2 Objectives The broad objective of this report is to present the performance of the ARM industry f Bangladesh. To do so, we will first eval uate the industry from the traditional concept of business: profit-minimization and growth. Secondly, we will gauge the industry performance from ethical dimension focusing mainly on the workers socio- economic condition. 1. Scope This report will be based on the ARM industry of Bangladesh only.No comparative data will be available about other countries. Also this report will not include the employee rights of other industries in Bangladesh. 1. 4 Limitations Limited timeshare which has affected the survey and interview process Inadequate primary data Confidentiality of information 1. 5 Methodology To achieve an effective result both qualitative and quantitative research has been conducted. Qualitative research, mainly exploratory in nature, was carried out to study the entrepreneurs' ethical responsibility in ARM sector.Some in-depth interviews have been conducted for better understanding of the working conditions at various factories. An extensive literature review has also been ca rried out to collect relevant information on the subject issue. In addition, a survey was conducted on a sample size of 25 respondents using random sampling technique. This has helped in ascertaining the compliance of employee right as per law. Data analysis and presentation has been conducted as per frequency analysis method.Primary Data: Primary data for this research work includes the following- Case study of randomly selected garments workers Survey of the workers with a set of questionnaire Structured interview with legal and human right experts Unstructured interview with few top level managers of garments industry including BAGMEN officials Secondary Data: Review of related articles, books and research works on ARM sector of Bangladesh Online Journals and company websites Available official data from BAGMEN . Literature Review There is no universally accepted definition of ethics.It varies from culture to culture, society to society and of course, from industry to industry. T he principles, values, and beliefs that define right and wrong decisions and behavior can be termed as ethics (Robbins 2010. P. 101). Moreover, ethical values relate to what is right and wrong, and thus take precedence over non-ethical values when making ethical decisions (Powers 2012). A simpler yet comprehensive definition of ethical conduct is given by Bertrand Russell. He says, â€Å"An ethical person ought to do more than he is required to do and sees than he is allowed to do. The common perception about Bangladesh garments industry portrays one apparent success story. M. Surreal Islam in his write-up titled Wakeup Call for Government and ARM Sector Leaders' praises the ARM sector entrepreneurs. He considers that they have done a lot to be proud. They have given Bangladesh economy its biggest boost. With it over 5000 factories the industry employs nearly 5 million workers, and has been a basic factor of women empowerment in the country. However, the writer also expressed his c oncern over the low wage of the workers in the industry in the name of price-competitiveness.He mentions that the ARM workers receive IIS$ 45 monthly payment today at their entry level. The writer compares such low wages and the associated working conditions as a case of slave labor (Islam 2012. P-11). Md. Joanna Abiding in his research paper titled ‘Overall Problems and Prospects of Bangladesh ARM Industry expressed his concern over the labor disturbances in ARM sector of Bangladesh. He mentions that garment workers remain one of the hardest working segments of the labor force in Bangladesh. Their working conditions and benefits must improve as the industry matures.Abiding recommends that investing in worker-training and in improved irking conditions will certainly enhance productivity and growth. The writer urges that the factory owners must be proactive instead of being reactive regarding this important issue (Abiding 2008). Following the recent Unchristian Étagà ¨re G arments Tragedy, The Wall Street Journal's editorial page writer Joseph Sternberg expressed his deep concern over the lack of ethical responsibility in the ARM industry of Bangladesh. In his article, appropriately titled â€Å"Why Dacha Keeps Burning†the writer has flagged what is wrong in the industry.He mentions that ARM industry in Bangladesh is inefficiently and insufficiently developing. The writer criticizes special labor rules, including a ban on unionization, and regulated pay rates that depress wages in the name of competitiveness. Finally, he brands Bangladesh ARM industry as a ‘Monster Industry that now threatens to â€Å"devour†the government. 3. Business Performance from Traditional View 3. 1 The Growth of ARM Industry ARM industry is the biggest homegrown commercial success story till date in Bangladesh. The industry has significant contribution in employment generation, poverty alleviation and women empowerment.As a garment producer for the globa l market, at present Bangladesh ranks second, behind China only. More than four million workers, mostly women, are employed in approximately 5,000 garment factories. This sector has acted as an engine behind the country economic growth. Undoubtedly, the industry has made a significant socio-economic impact in contemporary Bangladesh. 3. 2 Profit Minimization: The Traditional Purpose of Business At present ARM industry earns around IIS$19 billion per year which accounts for approximately 80% of country total exports and around 17% of total economic output (Sternberg 2012).The percentage of ARM export to the total export of Bangladesh in last ten years is shown on the chart below: Figure-I: Percentage of ARM Export to the Total Export Source: Statistics Department, Bangladesh Bank. 3. 3 Potentials for Rapid Growth of Bangladesh ARM Industry McKinney & Company; a reputed global management consulting firm predicts that Bangladesh ARM exports will grow double by 201 5, and nearly triple by 2020 (McKinney 2011. P-22). Bangladesh is widely expected to become the top producer replacing China by virtue of its price competitiveness and capacity.The industry is expected to expand up to IIS$ 50 billion by next ten years. McKinney initiated a case study to know about the sourcing preference of the European and US apparel companies, accounting for IIS$ 46 billion in total sourcing value. They conducted an extensive interview based survey where the respondents were the Chief Purchasing Officers (COP) of the leading apparel players in Europe and US. Due to the rising labor cost in China, most of the buyers now consider Bangladesh as their alternative source. While China was once considered â€Å"the place to be†for sourcing, the light is starting to shine ever brighter on Bangladesh.For most Cops, Bangladesh will be the No-I sourcing hot spot over the next 5 years. (McKinney 2011. P-4). The result of the survey is shown below: Figure-2: Sourcing Preference of European and US Apparel Companies Source: McKinney COP Survey, September-November 2011 So, from the traditional understanding of business, the ARM industry of Bangladesh can surely be called as a successful one. 4. Performance of ARM Industry from Ethical Dimension 4. 1 Compliance of Safety and Health Regulations The recent Unchristian Étagà ¨re Garments fire accident at Savor claimed 112 lives.They were burnt alive inside the factory while they were working to earn their bread and butter. The most serious part of the tragedy was that the workers were locked inside a steel gate at each floor even after the fire went out of control. The fire service trucks and the equipment could not reach timely as the access road was built on agricultural land. These are serious flaws in compliance that BAGMEN officials tried to explain off later. Almost similar compliance failure is found in many of the factories till now.Compliances required factories to have two staircases to be built in each floor , and also to have a fulfillment doctor for the medical service to the workers. But most of the factories are yet to achieve that (Islam 2012). 4. 2 Maternity Leave: A Basic Woman Right Majority of the ARM workers in Bangladesh are women. They are often fondly called ‘Pashas Joana'; the daughters of garments. Everyone in the industry recognizes that ARM industry survives, and grows with their sweat. We wanted to know the industry performance about one of the basic need in every woman's life: Maternity Leave.Finding of our survey is shown below: Figure-3: Compliance of Maternity Leave in ARM Industry Source: Survey Conducted for the Research. 4. 3 The Issue of ‘Minimum Wage' It is, if not, the most controversial, at least, the most discussed issue regarding employee right in the ARM sector of Bangladesh. Tripartite body with representatives from Government, BAGMEN and Workers' Association agreed with the minimum wage of TX 3500. Most of the factories were also found compl iant with this wage policy. We initiated a case study to have a feel' of this minimum wage.One three member family; a couple with a 2 years baby was selected where both the spouses were ARM workers. Their monthly income was TX 9400. We made a balance sheet of their monthly earning and expenditure. Table-I : Balance Sheet of ARM Workers' Earning and Expenditure-A Case Study Earning Expenditure Husband 5200 House Rent 3500 Wife 4200 Baby Food 1 500 Medicare and others 1 oho Total earning Total expenditure 11000 *They often compromise with the bare minimum food they expect to eat to live It reminds the Bertrand Russet's saying, ‘An ethical person ought to do more than he is required to do. Surely, the entrepreneurs in ARM industry can do more than what they are doing for the ARM workers. And, mere compliance with the minimum wage policy is not ethical. 4. 4 Enforced Labor Mr. Safaris Islam, the president of BAGMEN said in an interview on AY Jazzier television that there is no enf orced overtime in Bangladesh ARM industry. However, our finding contradicts what the top man of BAGMEN claimed on international media. Enforced overtime is a common practice in many of the garments manufacturing units.The factory owners tried to Justify that they are sometime compelled to do so to meet the buyers' timeline as supply of raw material often gets delayed due to poor infrastructure in Bangladesh. The state of enforced labor in ARM industry of Bangladesh is shown in the next page: Figure-4: Forced Labor in ARM Industry 5. Conclusions Many have labeled the recent unrest in the ARM industry as a conspiracy to destroy the potentials that Bangladesh enjoys. However, we feel that there is no a conspiracy theories, but disturbances in the ARM sector.These disturbances are the legitimate outpouring of the frustrations of those whose sweat makes a IIS$ 20 billion earning for our nation. From the classical business concept of making money, we can surely term the ARM industry a suc cessful one. But, when we look at it from the ethical dimension, the performance appears to be ‘dark which is evident from the poor socio-economic condition of the ARM workers. They are living a life where even the basic physiological needs are not met. If a US$ 20 billion industry fails to uplift the workers lives above the level of ‘slavery, as many term it, that cannot be called successful.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Globalization and the World Economy Essay
Globalization is a powerful real aspect on the new world system, and it represents one of the most influential forces in determining the future course of the planet. It is described as having â€Å"many dimensions: economic, political, social, cultural, environmental, and security†(Intriligator, 2001). Globalization in the 21st century is inevitable. Increased globalization and international businesses are growing because technology is expanding rapidly especially in communications and transportation. According to Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2007) countries are beginning to remove many international restrictions facilitating trade and commerce. Numerous governments have developed services to help conduct international business more easily. Consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about foreign goods and services and want them in their home country. Increased global competition has stimulated more companies to enter the international arena for selling goods and services. In most cases, improved political relationships among some of the major economic powers have made international trade more profitable. As the world shrinks because of the internet, improved communication and transportation more countries are cooperating on transnational issues related to business and commerce. Globalization has changed the scope and focus of business. The impact of globalization can be categorized generally in terms of distance, country, and culture. Our world is becoming increasingly interdependent because of globalization. Globalization did not just â€Å"happen†. It was driven and is being driven by a number of worldwide developments. Some of these developments have spanned many years, and some have occurred in a relatively short period of time. The first development was the end of the cold war. As stated by Brooks and Wohlforth (2000) the world changed in 1991 when the â€Å"Soviet Empire†collapsed. Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies helped to bring major political changes. With the removal of a threat of war, global interdependence could take hold. The second development is the world’s increasing population growth. This growth all but ensures a broad, expanding, worldwide market for goods and services, and an expanding workforce. The third development is the emergence of free markets on a worldwide basis. According to Ruggiero (1996), country after country is opening its borders to a freer flow of goods, services, technology, and capital. Many are forming regional trade blocks that facilitate investment and commerce in their local economies. The World Trade Organization (WTO), an international body that deals with the rule of trade between nations, is actively helping countries at all level of development with financial and trade agreement support. The fourth development has been the ongoing emergence of a worldwide technical and logistics framework. Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2007) remark that tremendous strides in communications and transportation technology enable businesses to quickly know about and demand products and services developed in another part of the world. A worldwide telecommunications network is in place to facilitate global commerce, with millions of phones supported by satellites and fiber optic cables. An array of ships, planes, trucks and other logistical systems makes it possible to transport people and packages to almost any point in the world. The last development is the explosion of the internet on the world scene, which is playing a key role in aspects of global commerce. Kabuga (2000) argues that the arrival of the internet has speeded up globalization. This growth in internet usage on a worldwide basis has had a major effect on global business activities. The advent of the internet has allowed for rapid access to world markets. Knowing how to use the internet for globalization activities can be very beneficial for a company. In this dotcom economy, everything can be produced anywhere and sold anywhere. The internet has given many companies a new view on how to handle global business needs. Globalization is not just a â€Å"me too†trend. There are solid reasons why some businesses embrace the global path and others do not. Three solid business factors for globalization are expansion of sales, to acquire resources, and to minimize risk. Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2007) claim that a company’s sales are dependent on two factors: the consumers’ interest in their products or services and the consumers’ willingness and ability to buy them. Higher sales mean higher profits, so increased sales are a major motive for company’s expansion into globalization. To acquire resources manufacturers and distributors seek out products, services, and components produced in foreign countries (Daniels, et al. , p18). Foreign sources may give companies lower costs, new or better products, and additional operating knowledge. To minimize swings in sales and profits, companies may seek out foreign markets to take advantage of business cycle differences among countries (Daniels, et al. , p18). International operations may reduce operating risk by smoothing sales and profits and preventing competitors from gaining advantages. When deciding how and where to conduct business globally, it’s important that companies have some knowledge of the target countries. According to Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2007) political policies and legal practices, behavioral factors, economic forces, and geographical influences are key external forces that affect the way a company operates and the amount of adjustment it must make to its operations in a particular country. Knowing background information on the countries can help in two areas: communication and credibility. Knowing about the target country gives a common ground for talking with people from that country. This can open the door to effective communication. Knowing about the target country gives credibility when talking about the country to others, both within the organization and native to the foreign country. Another benefit of knowing about foreign operations is increased awareness of how to help an operation be successful. Without adequate knowledge, a company may not realize what it takes to succeed with a foreign operation or realize that an operation is in danger of failing. Globalization has sparked some of the most highly charged debates of the past decade, been the subject of countless books and cause of major demonstrations in Europe and North America (World Bank, 2000). Critics of globalization see it as a process by which power is taken from the poor and given to the rich and powerful, particularly to transnational corporations Aisbett (2004). Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2007) have put these claims into three broad categories: threat to national sovereignty, growth, and growing income inequality. Globalization does not reduce national sovereignty. It does create a strong incentive for governments to pursue sound economic policies (International Monetary Fund, 2000). While globalization may confront government officials with more difficult choices, the result for their citizens is greater individual freedom. In this sense, globalization acts as a check on government power that makes it more difficult for governments to abuse the freedom and property of their citizens. Criticisms against globalization are really criticisms against economic growth. The assumption is that globalization brings more production or growth, which, in turn, brings both long-term and negative consequences (Daniels, et al. , p15). Growth and globalization have gone hand-in-hand; economic growth in the last fifty years has been faster than it was in earlier centuries. According to Krueger (2002), the impact of the faster growth on living standards has been phenomenal. We have observed the increased well-being of a larger percentage of the world’s population by a greater increment than ever before in history. Globalization offers greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the world. In regards to growing income inequality people look at not only absolute achievement or improvement, but also at how well they do compared to other people, especially those in other countries. Thus, improvement in global well-being is of little solace to most people unless they, themselves, are doing better and at least keep up with others (Daniels, et al. , p15). Growing income inequality is said to be the Achilles Heel of globalization (Krueger, 2002). This characterization is misleading in several respects. There has been in the last century remarkable income growth, but it obvious that the progress has not been evenly dispersed. The gaps between rich and poor countries, and rich and poor people within countries, have grown. The richest quarter of the world’s population saw its per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increase nearly six-fold during the century, while the poorest quarter experienced less than a three-fold increase (International Monetary Fund, 2000). As stated by Krueger (2002) â€Å"poor people are desperate to improve their material conditions in absolute erms rather than to march up the income distribution†. The focus should be on impoverishment than on inequality. Many have argued that these claims have exploited people in developing countries, caused massive disruptions to their lives and produced few benefits in return (World Bank, 2000). According to Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2007) anti-globalization forces have protested meetings of international organizations and conferences, both peacefully and violently in recent years, as they press for legislation and other means to stop or slow the globalization process. Organizations against globalization see it as a new form of imperialism or as a new stage of capitalism in the age of electronics. Globalization has involved greater openness in the international economy, an integration of markets on a worldwide basis, and a movement toward a borderless world. Supporters point to the significant reductions in poverty achieved by countries, which have embraced globalization with the world economy such as China, Vietnam, India, and Uganda. â€Å"Globalization has had a significant impact on all economies of the world, with manifold effects†(Intriligator, 2001). According to an article on Freetrade. org (2007) for the less developed countries, globalization offers access to foreign capital, global export markets, and advanced technology while breaking the monopoly of inefficient and protected domestic producers. Faster growth, in turn, promotes poverty reduction, democratization, and higher labor and environmental standards. Because it expands economic freedom and spurs competition, globalization raises the productivity and living standards of people in countries that open themselves to the global marketplace. This growth in cross-border economic activities takes various forms such as International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and Capital Market Flows. In international trade, a growing share of spending on goods and services is devoted to imports from other countries. A growing share of what countries produce is sold to foreigners as exports. As stated by Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2007) to meet their international objectives companies’ strategies require them to trade and transfer means of production internationally. When countries have fewer restrictions on foreign trade, it gives them the opportunity to gain economies of scale by servicing markets in more than one country from a single base of production. This trading and transferring of goods and services is what links countries economically. Several impacts of globalization on national economies deserve particular mention. One is the growth of foreign direct investment at a rapid rate. Foreign direct investment is on the rise around the world. It is now a competitive requirement that businesses invest all over the globe to access markets, technology, and talent. Attracting foreign direct investment has become a key part of national development strategies for many countries. They see such investments as bolstering domestic capital, productivity, and employment, all of which are crucial to jump-starting economic growth. While many highlight FDI’s positive effects, others blame FDI for â€Å"crowding out†domestic investment and lowering certain regulatory standards. The effects of FDI can sometimes barely be perceived, while other times they can be transformative. While the FDI’s impact depends on many conditions, well-developed and implemented policies can help maximize gains (World Bank, 2000). Capital market flows over the course of the past decade, companies’ in many countries (especially in the developed world) have increasingly diversified their portfolios to include foreign financial assets (foreign bonds, equities, loans), while borrowers increasingly turn to foreign source of funds, along with domestic ones. While flows of this kind to developing countries rose sharply in the 1990s, they have been much more volatile than either trade or FDI flows, and they have been restricted to a narrower range of â€Å"emerging market†countries (World Bank, 2000). Globalization has many advantages; properly executed it integrates world trade and financial markets, promotes economic growth, and provides opportunities for better education and living standards. It has already been noted that globalization has both positive and negative effects. Whether one sees globalization as a positive or as a negative development, it must be understood that it has clearly changed the world system and that it poses both opportunities and challenges. It is additionally clear that the above economic, political, social, cultural, environmental, and security developments that have led to globalization are still very active. I believe these trends toward greater globalization will continue to expand in the future.
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